7. Dinner

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Okay Instagram decided to make Kabir's intro reel go viral and we got 5k+ views on "His to Adore" thanks to all of you. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I was not expecting much as this is my first ever book but you guys are the best!!!

Also an important author's note is given at the end of the chapter so don't miss it (it's regarding the updates)


Mahi's POV:

"Mr. Mehra?" What is happening and what is he doing here? Wait did Aparna mam just call him SON? I never knew the famous director Kabir Mehra is Aparna mam's son but now I think about it they do have the same surname. God she hid it so well nobody knows about this.

He wore a navy blue full-sleeve t-shirt perfectly sticking to his body, paired up with light blue denim jeans. His sleeves rolled up but just below the elbow, giving a glimpse of his veiny arms and a silver bracelet shining on his left wrist. Oh god Mahi get your senses back to earth!

"Oh hello Miss Deshmukh, It's a pleasant surprise meeting you again here." Yea Yea I'm also hell shocked to see you here as well. How he is not surprised did he know I will be here?

"You two know each other?" Aparna mam asked, looking at both of us. Of course who doesn't know your son!

"Yes Mom we know each other, in fact today only Miss Deshmukh's band signed a contract with our agency and now they are the artists of Shine agency." Kabir explained to his mother as he went towards my grandpa and mom to touch their feet.

"Oh young man, it's been a long time since I met you. The last time I saw you, you were just a 13 year old teenager and look at you now, you are a grown successful man." Grandpa said as he made Kabir sit beside him. Oh great everyone seems to know about him except me and Rohan, because his mouth is wide open may be due to shock.

"And you are still as handsome as you were at that time." Kabir complimented Grandpa. This man is also great with his words.

"It's so nice to meet you Kabir after so many years." My oh-so-sweet mom started. "You have indeed grown into a handsome and successful man. Your dad must be so proud of you." She continued, well I can't deny the handsome fact. What the hell Mahi, what is wrong with you today?

"Congratulations Mahi on your contract signing!" Aparna mam hugged me tightly and I reciprocated. She pulled back and said, "I'm so proud of you beta." She is so sweet and all I did was to run away from her in college.

"Thank you so much mam." She made a face and reminded me to call her Aunty. "Thank you aunty." I again said and she gave me her brightest smile. I am no more intimidated by her, how can I, when she is so sweet and bright.

"Okay let's have dinner." Aparna aunty said and we all went towards the dining area. Kabir took a seat opposite to me, even though I am not looking toward him, I can feel his gaze on me. I looked upward to confirm and indeed he was looking at me with the same smirk from the morning.

I quickly looked away and tried to focus on my food. I really don't like this man, he gives me no good vibes. After some time, we were all done with dinner and decided to return to the living room.

Aparna aunty served the fruit custard she made and boy it was super delicious. I saw her and Mom exchanging looks, they did the same thing at the dining table also. Something doesn't feel right.

Kabir's phone rang and he went outside to pick up the call. "We want to tell you something." Mom started and looked at Aparna aunty. I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

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