5. The Contract

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Kabir's POV:

I woke up and saw it was 6 in the morning. I quickly freshened up and went for a run. I came back and took a quick shower, changed into my work attire and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Good morning mom" I greeted mom as l pecked her forehead.

"Good morning Son." Mom replied as she served me my breakfast.

"Kabir, my friend is coming over for dinner tonight, you remember right? You have to be here." she sternly said and then looked at me to hear what I have to say.

"Yea yea I remember but why do you want me here? I mean you never asked me to meet your friends before?" I asked, looking towards her confusingly.

"She is special, we have been friends since college and she wants to meet you." she said smiling.

"Okay as you say, I will be leaving now bye." I said standing up from my position.

"Be home by 7pm, love you." She said as I walked to exit the house.

"Love you too." I shouted so she could hear.

I settled down in my car and informed the driver to start driving to the office. I reached the office in 30 minutes and the guard opened the door for me. As I entered, everyone greeted me and I went towards the lift. I entered my cabin and the secretary knocked.

"Good Morning sir" Akash, my secretary greeted me as he entered my cabin.

"Good Morning. What's today's schedule?" I asked him.

"You have a meeting with the new music band at 10 to sign the investment contract. After that you have lunch with the cast of your upcoming movie at 2." He said and I nodded looking at my laptop.

"Get me the file of this music band" I instructed him before dismissing him and started to check my emails. I heard a knock on my office door again and told the person to come in.

"Here are the files you asked for sir." he handed me the files and I started to look at them.

"It's going to be their first show and our team did the research and they think very highly of them. People love and adore their music. If we can make them sign a contract with our agency then they can become a great asset." Akash suggested and waited for my response.

"Okay let's meet them and then I will propose the agency contract to them." I said and again engrossed myself in my work. After half an hour my intercom rang and I answered. "Sir, the music band is here in the meeting room." Akash informed me.

"Okay." I replied. I stood up from my chair and started walking towards the meeting room. I entered the room and there she was sitting on the couch beside a man to whom she was happily chatting. I was surprised to see her here but I quickly changed my expression to normal when she looked at me.

I took a seat opposite to them and looked toward her. She has the eyes which can make any man get on his knees. I kept looking at her until the person beside her started "Good morning Mr. Mehra. I am Sameer Khanna, singer of this band and she is Mahi, our band's lead guitarist, Karan our bassist and Rishi is our drummer." He introduced me to the members of his band.

"Good morning" I greeted. "So tell me why do you think I should invest in your show, even after knowing that it's going to be your first?" Even though I already decided to invest in their show, I wanted to know what they had to say.

"I am sure Mr Mehra, you already did a background check on us before you decided to meet us personally. You already know that we have a strong social image in the online world as a band but we think it's high time to let the world know that we are meant to get on the heights of the Indian music industry." Mahi spoke, confident evident in her eyes and tone.

"And are you sure that this event is going to be a success?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

"We are confident, Mr Mehra." She said looking towards Sameer.

"Then shall we seal the deal?" I asked as I took the contract papers from Akash. They all looked at me surprisingly.

"Yes definitely!" Sameer said and looked at Mahi who was smiling like a bright star.

I signed the contract and handed it to them. "When are you planning to hold the show?" I asked as I kept the pen down.

"We are planning to keep it next month." Mahi said as she looked at her band members and then at me.

"Great! one more thing I would like you to join our talent agency as we think you guys have the talent which can benefit you as well as our agency." I said and signaled Akash to bring me the contract.

They were shocked would be an understatement. Mahi was looking at me like I had grown two heads and I controlled the urge to laugh.

"Mr. Mehra, you are saying you want us to work under your agency?" Sameer asked and looked at me intently.

"Yea I am exactly saying that, so what do you think?" I looked at Mahi and the confusion in her eyes was replaced with happiness.

"Of course how can we deny to work with one of the biggest talent agencies in India." Sameer looked at his band members and they all nodded with a smile.

"Great, then please sign these papers." I handed them the papers and everyone of them signed and handed me back.

"You have to come tomorrow and you will be assigned your team and the manager." I instructed them. The smile on her face was something making my heart flutter, Fuck Kabir get in your senses I told myself before looking at Sameer.

"Okay, You can contact my secretary if you need anything else." I assured.

"Thank you very much Mr Mehra." Sameer said as we stood up and shook our hands. I offered my hand to Mahi to shake and she shook my hand as she gave me a small smile. I kept looking at her as she was making it difficult for me to look anywhere else but her.

"See you soon." I said as I let go of her hand, she glared and I could not stop myself from smirking.

They left and I went back to my office. She is doing something to me which I never knew anyone could do. I never felt this kind of strong emotion, not even when Tanya was here. Her eyes, her smile, everything about her is attracting me towards her just like a moth is attracted towards the flame.

I heard a knock and instructed the person to come in. "The lunch is at 2 pm right?" I asked Akash to confirm and he nodded. "Okay. Also please clear my schedule after 6, and also call Miss Shekhawat to come here by 4, we have to discuss the script of the film." I instructed him and he left.

I closed my eyes and leaned back on the couch. You are affecting me way too much Mahi and I don't think it's good for any of us.

Hey Guys! This is the next chapter and I hope you all liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment your views.

What do you think about Kabir? Let me know in the comments below!

Till then don't forget to smile, will meet you next Tuesday Bye!!

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