40. Dancing Under Moonlight

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Hello your update is finally here. Someone guessed it right and she is.. Smruti19 :)

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Kabir's POV:

As soon as we entered Shreya rushed toward me and grabbed my arm. I looked at Mahi beside me who was glaring at Shreya with her dark eyes. I retrieved my arm from Shreya's grip but she again grabbed it.

"Even though paparazzi are not here Shreya, you should maintain the classy image of yourself. I am sure people here would admire that more." Mahi spoke with bitterness and I controlled myself from laughing in the serious situation.

Before Shreya could say anything Mahi left and I also took the chance to get away. Ahan was seated on the small bar at the corner and I joined him after meeting a few of my friends. Not many people were there, just him, I and the server.

"What is up with you today? Why are you sulking?" I scanned his face and took a seat beside him.

"What else do you expect?" His gaze went to Nitya and Sameer who were dancing as he emptied his glass of gin and tonic in one go.

"They are dating." He uttered. It was like he was telling that to himself rather than me.

"Heard it." A low chuckle left his lips as I said those words.

"Of course you have heard it from your girlfriend." I detected the mock in his voice and my eyebrows knit in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" I ordered a glass of whiskey for myself.

"You got the girl you liked but what about me?" He whined and ordered one more glass for himself.

"You were not that serious about her, besides they both liked each other for a long time." I said referring to Nitya and Sameer. Mahi briefly told me about their past.

"How do you know I was not serious huh? She was the first girl who didn't approach me. Instead I went after her. How much I like her smile, voice, eyes you don't know anything." His head dipped low and he kept muttering, don't know what.

I snatched the glass away from him and he looked up. It's better for him to not get drunk when the party is not even halfway to completion.

"Come on, you are a famous star, you will get your girl soon." I said to assure him but it doesn't work like that right? If I would have been in his place and saw Mahi with someone else I would have gone insane by now.

I can't even think of her being with someone else other than me. It fucking burns my heart along with the whole body. My gaze went to Mahi, who was talking to her friends.

Comfort engulfed me as I saw her smiling. She is mine, mine to love, mine to protect and just mine to adore.

"Don't do it. You are the worst at it?" He said, pushing his glass toward the server. I frowned in confusion.

"Assuring someone. You are the worst at that." He picked his phone and started playing Subway Surfers. The server passed him the drink he ordered. He is not ready to listen to anything right now. I will talk to him when he is sober enough.

"The party just started and you both are already drinking." Tanya came from behind and I turned to look at her.

My whiskey glass remained untouched. "It's not me." I stood up to leave. "It's him. Well I will be leaving. I think my girl needs me." Ahan's head snapped at me. He cursed me under his breath. I deliberately said those last words just to get a reaction from him.

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