22. Some Feelings

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Mahi's POV:

"Okay bye, see you this weekend!" I bid my farewell to Nitya and left her house. I decided to walk because I wanted to meet Sameer, they both live in the same area. Last night was unexpected, we all were having fun but that douchebag Pranav and the witch Sneha ruined our day!

I was so worried that I barely slept last night. First Pranav's drama and then Sameer took her with him. So I went to her house in the morning. She was doing well. We spent the whole day in her room playing games and watching movies.

She might act like last night didn't affect her but I know she was not okay, so I just tried doing what she loves the most. Her mood was good today so I think I succeeded. I rang the doorbell and Sameer's mother, Seema aunty opened the door.

"Arey Mahi, bade dino baad aayi tum." She hugged me and welcomed me to her house.

(Mahi you came after a long time.)

"We were super busy with the show's preparations and I never got time to visit you, sorry." I said plopping on the sofa in the living room. I used to come to Sameer's house a lot because we all mostly practiced in his music room.

Seema aunty is very sweet and kind. She always took my side whenever I and Sameer used to fight and she cooks the most delicious food in the world. She has known me and Nitya since I and Sameer became friends. I also dragged Nitya whenever I came here so aunty knows her too.

"Where is Sameer aunty?" I asked and saw her expression changing.

"He has been in his room since he came back last night, he even skipped his breakfast as well as lunch. I tried talking to him but he says he is tired after the show so just wants to rest. But I don't think that's the case, anything happen beta? " concern was evident in her eyes. I can't tell her the events of last night.

Sameer won't lock himself up for what happened last night there must be something else. They must have fought again. Sometimes I really can't handle these two but Nitya didn't mention anything about it. I need to talk to him now.

"Not really aunty, I will go and talk to him. You know sometimes he likes to throw unnecessary tantrums." She laughed at my words and told me to go and talk to him till then she will prepare snacks for both of us.

I ascended the stairs and knocked on his room's door. No reply, I again knocked but he said he is sleeping. Who is he making a fool of? You don't talk when you sleep right? Then I have only one option to make him open the damn door!

I started banging on the door loudly. I always do this whenever he doesn't open the door. So now he probably knows that it's me and I won't stop until he opens the door. I heard him groaning and he opened the door. My fist stopped just a few inches away from his dumb face.

"Why are you here to disturb me?" He said in an irritating voice but I just pushed his shoulder to make my way inside. I sat on the sofa because the bed was a mess with his laptop, headphones, gamepad and packets of chips everywhere. Aunty was unnecessarily worried about him; he is not dying of hunger at all.

He came and dropped himself on his bed opposite to me. "Tell me why are you here?" He asked with a bored face and I just wanted to give him a good beating.

"To check if you are still alive." I gave him a rictus smile and he rolled his eyes.

"So now you saw right, you can go back." He doesn't seem in a good mood but at last he is my friend and I need to know the root of the problem.

"I went to meet Nitya today just coming back from her place only. You both fought again last night right?" His eyes shot up to me with questions.

"She told you that we both fought?" He asked curiously, raising his eyebrows.

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