3. Mom's Friend

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Mahi's POV:

"Mahi?" Nitya called out my name, that's when I realized that we were standing in front of the canteen and tears were running down my cheeks. I tried to control them but all in vain, my heart was hurting like someone stabbed it countless times.

Nitya pulled me into a hug and I cried until there were no tears left. When she realized that I am not crying anymore, she pulled back and my eyes met hers which were filled with concern but she quickly replaced it with joy.

"I know you are hungry, Let's grab your favorite pizza!" she busted with a wide smile on her face. I know she was trying to uplift my mood and I am glad she is not bringing up what just happened because I really don't want to talk about it now.

She understands me the most in this whole world and I can't thank this universe enough for this beautiful girl who is my best friend.

"Okay." I smiled at her and we walked into the canteen. We ordered our food and received it after a few minutes. I dug in as I was too hungry to think about anything else. I will go meet my grandpa and brother in the evening again.

After having lunch we walked out of the canteen. "So what's next?" Nitya asked.

"How about a movie?" I suggested and looked at her.

"Won't you go back to meet your grandpa?" she asked confusingly.

"Not right now, I will go in the evening." She gave me an understanding smile and nodded. I booked the tickets online and we drove off to watch the movie.

"So we enjoyed the movie?" I asked Nitya, filling my mouth with a spoon full of ice cream.

"Yea we definitely did." she replied with a grin.

After the movie was over we decided to grab some ice cream from our favorite place. Nitya ordered butterscotch while I decided to have mint chocolate chip, my all time favorite!

"So are you going home or back to the hostel?" she asked, wiping her mouth with a tissue.

"Yea I..." I started but stopped when I looked at my phone. There were 38 missed calls from my grandpa, brother and of course my beloved mother note the sarcasm. "Oh my god, they have been calling me since afternoon." I exclaimed and showed the missed calls to Nitya.

"Girl, you kept your phone on silent mode again. When are you planning to say goodbye to that habit of yours? " She mocked, shaking her head at me.

"They called me too but I also kept my phone on silent mode as we were watching movie." She said checking her phone. "Now come on, it's already 7:30. We should go, they must be worried, I will drop you." She stood up and picked up her bag. I nodded and followed her toward the exit.

We both settled in the car and Nitya started the engine. The ride was fun like it always has been, we both were vibing on the songs she played. We reached my home, Yea we do have a house in Mumbai but I choose to stay in the dorm.

I mean how can I live in such a big house ALONE that's scary! I have always been scared of living alone in huge places since I was a little kid. Mom and dad used to be busy but grandpa was always around so I was never alone. When I shifted here, I chose to stay in our university dorm, instead of this house.

"See you tomorrow." I waved my hand at Nitya and got out of the car.

I walked towards the main door and rang the doorbell. Rohan opened the door and his eyes widened "Where have you been this whole day." He asked, almost shouting at me.

"Chill bro! Look, I am still alive." I winked at him and he rolled his eyes. I heard some noises coming from the living room and I looked at Rohan confusingly. Looking at my expression he understood and replied to my unasked question "We have a guest for dinner."

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