25. A Nightmare

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Thank you so much everyone for your wishes, support, understanding and also your patience for the past 1 week. 

I know everyone wanted an update and as I said I will post on Tuesday so here it is! Yes I am back again with your beloved Kabir and Mahi. 

Thank you once again. I love you all!! <3


Kabir's POV:

I woke up in the middle of night to have some water but the bottle was empty. I got down from my bed and left my room to fill my bottle. I heard some faint voices from Mahi's room.

My mind started thinking the unwanted things. I rushed toward her room and opened the door. Her eyes were closed but the tears were flowing from them. She was frowning in her sleep and her forehead had small beads of sweat.

She was mumbling something but I could not make sense out of it. I rushed toward her and sat beside her. "Mahi!" I called out her name to wake her up, she must be having a nightmare.

I called her name multiple times. The terror grabbed my heart, today was already stressing for her this can't be happening now. "Please Mahi open your eyes. Look, I am here." I again called for her but my voice cracked looking at her like this.

She opened her eyes with a jerk and looked at me with wide eyes. She suddenly hugged me and I could hear her muffled sobs. "Hush nothing happened, it was just a nightmare. Please stop crying." I slowly stroked her hair to calm her down and it somewhat helped.

We stayed like that for sometime as I wanted to calm her down first. She slowly pulled back and our eyes met. She stopped crying but the tears were still there on her cheeks.

"See, it was just a nightmare. Nothing changed, you are okay. I am here." I wiped her tears with my thumb pad. I took the glass from the night stand and made her drink some water.

"I was so scared. I was stuck in that room again and nobody came to save me. I thought I might die there." A lone tear escaped from her eyes and I felt my heart stinging. She was so scared and I was helpless.

"I am sorry Mahi. I could not come early to you. If only I could have arrived a little early you wouldn't have faced all that. It's my fault, I know that." My eyes dropped as I could not meet her gaze. Mom told me to take care of her and I failed.

"Look at me Kabir." She grabbed my hand and I looked up. "It was not your fault at all. I had this childhood trauma. This was not the first time something like this happened." I could feel the pain in her voice.

"I was 5 years old then. Everyone went out and left me with my nanny. I was playing in my room, and suddenly the lights went off. I got scared and tried to open the door but it was locked. I shouted, cried for help but no one came."

"An hour passed and the lights came back. I again started to bang on the doors and mom opened it. The nanny fell asleep in the living room and could not hear my screams. From that day onwards I am scared to be alone in a room. Today when that thing happened it reminded me of that day." She barely controlled her tears and the only thing I could think of was, how a small child could have felt being trapped there.

"I promise Mahi that I won't let something like this happen to you again. Ever." I wiped her tears. This was the first time I felt this helpless in my entire life.

She was hurting and scared and I could not do anything, but I promise I would never let her get hurt again by anyone. I would die before breaking this promise, no one can hurt the girl I love and if they dared the consequences will be damn ugly.

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