17. The Show Day

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(Ignore grammatical mistakes this author is not that good at grammar I'm not lying🥲)

10 days later~

Mahi's POV:

I woke up as my alarm started blasting near my ear. It's 6 in the morning, Yea Yea I, Mahi Deshmukh is up early because it's a big day for me.. No, for all of us. Today is our show day and I am super excited but nervous too and the result is this me waking up early.

I am early so aunty must be sleeping, I don't want to disturb her so I will just go to Nitya's house directly. I quickly took a shower and went down but both aunty and Mr Jerk are already up.

"Good morning Mahi beta." Aunty greeted me as I descended the stairs and moved toward the living room.

"Good morning. You both are up early?" I asked as I took a seat beside aunty. A lot of flowers and sweets were decorated in a golden thali.

"Yes, because we are going to visit Ganpati bappa." She smiled and started arranging all essential things.

"And I am a morning person so it's natural." Kabir replied without looking up from his phone's screen as soon as aunty finished saying and I just decided to ignore him.

"Mom, I'll leave now and I will meet you at the temple directly bye." He stood up and kissed her forehead. Our eyes met for a few seconds before he left.

"Can I also come with you?" I was hesitant, what if she just wanted to go with her son?

"Of course you are coming after all this pooja is for you." She stopped and looked at me before answering.

"For me?" I was not sure what she meant by that. She turned toward me, giving her full attention and kept her hands on mine conveying the warmth.

"It's your first official show so it's important for you to go to the temple and seek blessings from bappa. I decided to do the pooja at the temple as I always do for Kabir before he starts anything big, Bappa is always there for those who work hard and wish them success." Her words swell my heart with happiness. She is doing all this for me. I was so happy that tears formed in my eyes, but before I could control them they started to fall.

"Arey why are you crying? What happened? Did I say something wrong?" Her smile dropped and she started asking me questions with a concerned voice.

How can she ever make me cry or say something which might hurt me. She is such a kind hearted person at that moment I only wished if mom was like her.

I never thought someone would do all this for me when my mom will not even care about me. I am so grateful that she is here beside me to care, to support, to cheer for me.

Whatever it might be, coming here and living in her house with her can never be a decision I will ever regret. Even though it is just for a short time I will remember these days for life.

"No No it's just that I am so happy that I want to cry." A rueful laugh left my lips as I tried to wipe my tears using the back of my hand but suddenly I was pulled into a hug.

"I know you must be feeling down because they are not here but don't worry they soon will be here. And I am already here for you na so don't cry it's a big day for you, all you need to do is smile." She pulled back and caressed my cheek.

I smiled as she said, she is right it's a big day and I should focus on the bright side. Our dream is coming true, I should be happy.

"Now take this and quickly get changed. We need to leave in an hour." I took the bag from her. It looked like a dress but now I can wear anything she asks me to wear. I was about to stand up when she again said, "Also I invited your friends for pooja too as it's a big day for them too."

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