6. Surprise

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Mahi's POV:

"Oh my god is this real, we are going to work under Shine Agency owned by the famous director Kabir Mehra. This feels like a dream." Rishi beamed as we all walked out of the building.

"Yea that was sudden I was not expecting this." Karan agreed and we all walked toward the parking area. "But we are now artists under the Shine agency and we all have to do the hard work. We got this chance to make it big so let's give our best." Karan continued and we all agreed.

This is indeed a big chance and we are glad that we got it. I never thought we would get into an agency that is this big. Of course we have to do our best and achieve what we all dreamed of for the past two years.

Kabir Mehra is a well-known person but I don't know why something doesn't feel right. There is something in his gaze, but I can't figure out what. My senses tell me to stay away as far as I can from this man, after all I am a trouble magnet. Mahi, make sure you keep your distance as now he is your agency owner, I told myself internally.

"We should celebrate, what do you say Sameer?" Rishi asked. He is the most fun-loving person among all of us and such a kid. I laughed looking at how excited he was.

"Of course we should celebrate but not today. I have a lot of things to do today. Also, we are going to Juhu Beach today with Grandpa. You guys wanna come?" I asked Rishi and Karan.

"Nah I have to go to Pune for some business, will be back tomorrow so you guys go ahead." Karan said as he opened the door of his car.

"No you go ahead I have to tell Priya about this." Rishi said, with a broad smile which made me smile too. Priya is Rishi's girlfriend and they have been dating since high school. Anyone who looks at them can tell how much they are whipped over each other.

"Okay then we will be leaving." Sameer said and we all settled in our cars.

"Sameer, let's pick Nitya, we are going for lunch. Grandpa texted me and we also have to go to the beach." I told him and he gave me that are-you-serious look.

"What?" I asked, even though I knew why he did that.

"She has her own car, she can come by herself, we don't have to pick her up every time." He said, rolling his eyes at me.

"What's the problem yaar, her house is on our way so we can pick her up na." I said as I took my phone out to call Nitya.

"Okay fine, don't blame me if we end up fighting." He warned.

"There is nothing new in that, for the past 7 years all you guys do is argue with each other." I scoffed and he laughed.

They both fight like Tom and Jerry. I never saw them talking to each other nicely, they start bickering whenever they meet. They never got along ever since we were in high school, sometimes I really don't understand why they are like this.

Maybe they have personality clashes, whatever, who knows as long as I have both of them beside me after all their dog and cat fights are so much entertaining to watch. 

No No don't get me wrong! I am not a bad friend who enjoys drama but they look adorable like little kids when they fight but sometimes I also have to keep an eye on them so they don't end up killing each other.


"After so long I had this much fun, all thanks to you people." I was beaming with happiness. We were on our way to my home. 

Today was the most joyful day in the last few months. Due to exams we were not able to hang out together but as Grandpa came to visit, a trip to Juhu Beach was mandatory. After that we went for shopping and we even had Bhel puri (savoury Indian snack)

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