20. Unwanted Encounter

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Mahi's POV:

"Come on Mahi, wake up it's already 2 pm in the afternoon!" Nitya's voice rang in my ears and as soon as I registered her words, I woke up with a jump.

"What 2 PM!!" I quickly checked the clock on the nightstand and she was right. Oh good how can I sleep this much but it's not something new though.

"Yea I just woke up and saw the time. Late night movie was a bad idea I guess." She got down from the bad. "I will go and check on Priya and Kirti if they woke up." I nodded and she left the room.

"I should get ready now." My stomach growled, "It's lunch time already, I will eat something after taking a bath." I said to myself and went to the bathroom.

"Wait grandpa and Rohan, did they leave already?" Ah shit they told me they have an early flight why they didn't wake me up!

"They are up and getting ready. Aparna aunty said to come and have lunch. Also Grandpa, Rohan and Jyoti aunty left at 7 in the morning, you should give them a call." Nitya entered the room. Great, I missed meeting them.

"Why Mahi, why are you like this?" I groaned in frustration. She came and sat beside me. "Don't worry you can always go and meet them." I nodded and picked my phone to call them.

She took out clothes for herself from my wardrobe. "You really need to add colors to your wardrobe so today we will transform your closet." She looked at my clothes and made a weird face. She loves colors, her wardrobe is full of bright color clothes. She looks absolutely beautiful in her soft girl outfits.

"Nah I like it this way only!" I said and moved toward her.

"They look super dull Mahi. Kirti said we are going shopping this evening so we will buy clothes for you then. Period." She pointed at the clothes, Aparna aunty said colors look good on me, maybe I should give it a try. Nitya went to get fresh.

She came out after some time and we went downstairs for lunch. Mr Jerk and Ahan were also there with Priya and Kirti. "Good afternoon." Aunty greeted us and we greeted her back.

"It looks like you all had a long night yesterday." Aparna aunty said with a small smile. I hope she didn't mind us sleeping this long.

"Sorry aunty, we were watching a movie and slept late and we didn't wake up at time." I said but kept my eyes down. She must be upset, we should have woken up at time after all it's not my house.

"Arey no need to be sorry beta you all were enjoying. And, waking up late once in a while is not a problem." I looked up at her, she smiled and kept her hand on my head. I returned the smile and she served us the food. She always makes me feel like I am part of her family.

"We are going shopping in the evening bua(Aunt, Father's sister) why don't you join us?" Kirti asked aunty and took the first morsel in her mouth.

"Oh I am so sorry I have an important event to attend this evening so I won't be able to come with you." Hearing that Kirti's smile dropped but aunty noticed that and said "But Kabir can come with you, right Kabir?" No he doesn't need to come with us at all aunty, I said internally.

"Of course he will go and don't worry aunty I will accompany them too." Ahan said instantly, making Kabir turn his head toward him.

"Okay great then you all go and enjoy yourself. I am leaving now if you need anything you can ask Mohan kaka for that." She picked up her bag and left in her car. We all finished our lunch and decided to sit in the living room.

"Ahan bhai you stayed here the whole day?" Kirti asked, savoring on her chocolate pastry.

"Yea I also woke up late as Kabir and I were playing video games till 4:30. You girls were pretty loud, the sound of your laughter could be heard clearly in Kabir's room." Ahan replied and kept on changing channels.

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