Not An Update

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Hey guys I hope you all are doing great!✨️💗

So you all know that I update every Tuesday and Friday and as today is Tuesday I was supposed to post the chapter of HTA.

I know you all are waiting for the update eagarly but I'm sorry I won't be able to update today.

I'm not well for past 2 day and today also I don't feel much great I didn't even wrote the update. There are other reasons too and due to that I won't update this whole week.

I don't want to burn myself out and just in order to update at time the content might lose its quality and I can't afford that so I hope you all will understand and be patient with me.

I will try my best to update on Friday if I can but I can't promise that so it's a request to all the lovely readers of HTA to support and understand the writer's situation.

I will see you all soon till then take care and don't forget to smile lots of love byee!!❤️

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