Chapter 14

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I sat down outside on the floor, letting the cold breeze clear my head. I tried to take some deep breathes to calm myself down. Something was off with her and I have no idea what it is but I will find it out soon enough. Bringing up my past is one thing but my dad, nobody knew about him, I made sure of that. How did she knew then?

"Are you okay?" Ghost snapped me back to reality. I looked up to see him standing right in front of me.

"I'm fine."

"Alright, want to talk about what just happened in there?"

"Not really, I mean nothing happened yet." If he didnt stop her, I wouldve punched her and there was something to talk about. I kept my eyes locked on the floor and started playing with my fingers.

"Come on talk to me." He sat down next to me, the warmth of his body felt really nice on my skin.

"Look she has just been trying to get under my skin all evening, but it's over now."

I didnt want to talk about my past, I was too afraid that it would ruin the good thing we had going on. Thankfully he didnt push any further, we just sat there in silence for a moment. I know he must be curious about it and eventually Im going to have to tell him, but that day is not today.

Another cold breeze blew, leaving little goosebumps on my bare upper arms. Ghost took of his jacket and placed it over my shoulders to keep me warm. Our backs were resting against the wall and I rested my head on his shoulder while enjoying the comfortable silence, looking at the bright stars that were shining above us.

"Are you tired?" He asked.

"A little bit."

"Do you want me to take you to your room?"

"Not yet, lets stay here for a little while please." I was lost in my stargazing, I dont know how long we stayed like that but I let my eyes close for a second until the darkness took over.


I heard how her breathing slowed and I looked over to see her sound asleep. She looked so adorable and comfortable with her head rested on my shoulder. I was afraid to move and wake her up. I can just watch her sleep for the rest of my life.

A possessive feelings washed over me, I got this insane need to keep her safe as long as she was next to me. She must feel safe around me to just fall asleep like this. If Im honest to myself, my feelings for her have only frown, and it scares me.

She is this sweet thing who has never even hurt a bug, so kind and compassionate, and that smile lights up everybodys mood. When she walks in a room its like all the problems disappear and do I want to protect that.

But unlike her, I have hurt a lot of people and all there is to me is darkness. I have pushed down from feeling for all those years but now that she is here, it all came rushing back. It was like I slowly went back to the person I once was, the one before all the hurt and suffering. Somehow its like she sees that side of me and she is the one bringing it out in me.

I was brought back to reality when I heard a couch next to me, I looked up and noticed Soap standing next to us with a big grin on his face. He sat down right in front of us and looked over at Ashley sound asleep on my shoulder. He let out a chuckle. "Oh what is happening here."

"Shut it Soap, let her sleep."

"So what is going on between you two?"

"Nothing is going on, I let your wild imagination make up things." How I was happy that my mask was covering his face, I knew the mention of her made me feel all warm and fussy so my friend would definitely see my cheeks warming up.

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