Chapter 32

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After he threw the man I had been dancing with to the ground, he leaned forward and grabbed my wrist to pull me away with him. He guided me through the sea of people and away from the dancefloor.

I turned to look over my shoulder but Jhonny and Amelia were too drunk to notice what had happened, they were dancing the night away.

We went up the stairs and back towards the others but the drinks really started to get to my head and I couldn't talk without falling. He helped me back to the table before placing me down on the bench next to Price.

"Is she drunk?" Price asked concerned.

"Nooooo." I said with a laugh, everything seemed hilarious to me right now.

Gaz had offered to help me get back home safely but something in Simon's eyes darkened and he immediately declined his offer. I was happy he did that because I still didn't trust Gaz, definitely not when we're alone and I'm drunk.

"I'm going to take her back to base." Simon stated before he removed his jacket.

"I don't want to go, I was dancing with this very attractive man."

He ignored my comment but when I looked at him, I noticed how mad he was from his narrowed eyes. He covered my back with his jacket before he pulled me over his shoulder to carry me out of the club like I was some bag of potatoes.

"I'll join you guys, I'm really tired." Chloe added before grabbing her own jacket and following us to the exit.

"Sure you are." I mumbled again.

Simon kept his hand on top of his jacket, securing it so that nobody could see my ass peaking underneath the short dress I was wearing. I tried wiggling it off of me but he slapped my ass and I stopped moving in shock.

"Simon did you just spank me?! Stop covering my ass, it's great and people wouldn't mind seeing it." I ranted on, feeling a little nauseous from hanging upside down over his shoulder.

"Yes I did, and it is better then great. That is why I won't let others see what's mine." He snarled back. His voice was loud enough for other people to hear but Chloe didn't make any comments.

The rest of the way back was silent, I think I might've even fell asleep for a minute. We entered the kitchen of our base, he placed me down on one of the bar chairs.

"You know, we never got to do it in the kitchen. People always ruined our fun." I said with my eyes close. Someone should really tape my mouth shut whenever I am drunk.

A chuckle escaped his lips and he took my cheeks in his palms to have a better look at me. I opened my eyes from the sudden gesture and was met with his beautiful ones staring at me.

After a minute, he let go off my face and told me to sit still while he went to grab some things. I let my head rest on top of the kitchen counter, almost falling asleep in the process.

Then I heard the door open and someone approaching me. Thinking it was Simon, I continued to lay down on the counter. The dizziness from all the drinks started to make me feel sick.

"What is going on between you two?" I heard Chloe's voice from right next to me. Surprised I sat up and stare at her as if she grew two heads.


"You heard me. Are you so desperate to get into his bed that you fake being drunk and helpless?" She taunted me, but her belittling tone didn't get to me.

"I'm already very acquainted with his bed, thanks for your concern." I said with a chuckle.

Her eyes turned into slits and I could tell she didn't like that answer. It is clear that she was trying to get a reaction out of me but that wasn't going to happen. She took a step closer towards me as to intimidate me.

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