Chapter 34

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After leaving Simon's room with tears in my eyes, I went over to Amelia. I had to talk about everything that was on my mind and complain with a girl friend. I knocked on her door and only seconds later she opened it and let me in.

She had just returned from the kitchen with a bottle of wine and two glasses. We sat on her bed, with our backs against the wall. There was a silence between us as she waited for me to start.

I collected my thoughts and started by telling her that I found Chloe naked in Simon's bed. Thinking about it brought tears to my eyes, my vision became blurry.

When I couldn't hold back the sob, she wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. I laid my head on her shoulder and let all my emotions go free.

"I guess it's my own fault for pushing him away." I said with tears still running over my cheeks, soaking her shirt.

"No it's not, even if you did that isn't a reason to sleep with another woman." A bit of annoyance and anger was clear in her voice but it wasn't aimed at me. "What happened to you two anyway."

I kept silent for a few minutes, my mind went back to everything that had happened with Jhonny. Should I tell her about that or keep it to myself since I wasn't 100% sure about my own feelings.

Me and Jhonny didn't do anything inappropriate like Simon did with Chloe, yet I did still feel guilty about it. It's such a cliche to go after the best friend. The biggest reason I felt bad was because it felt so good to have them both close to me.

Why did I have to live in the real world where you'll be judged if you get two man. I had a dream a few days ago where I spend the night with both of them, it felt so shameful and great at the same time.

Not wanting to get lost in that dream, I focused back on the conversation I had with Amelia and decided to tell her the truth.

"Me and Jhonny almost kissed, and last night he slept over." I ignored her gasp and the piercing eyes that were staring at me.

"What does this mean? Did you and Soap do it?"

"No we didn't, I was drunk and he just stayed to look over me." I took a deep breath to calm my racing heartbeat. "But I do start to have feelings for him as well."

I finally found the courage to look her in the eyes, too curious to see her reaction. She gave me an empathetic smile as she felt bad for me, she could tell the struggle in my eyes and heart.

We talked for a while and I told her about the events that happened the last couple of days. She listened as I rant on and I felt so much better after being able to get it out of my chest.

"Why don't you suggest a threesome?" she said in an attempt to lighten the mood. I felt my face redden and her eyes popped wider. "Oh my god, you're totally visioning it!"

"I am not!" I lied and she knew that, her laughter filled the room and my face only turned even more red.

She was caught in a fit of laughter that made her make some weird noises. I couldn't hold in the chuckle. But after it left my mouth, I felt like I was going to be sick again.

I stood up from the bed, ignoring the pain from my side and ran towards her bathroom. The laughter dialed down and she ran after me.

I was sitting on the ground with my head hanging over the toilet as I threw up once more. I sat down and wiped my face clean. Amelia's eyes were filled with worry as she looked at me.

"Are you alright?" She asked me.

"I've been sick all day, I'm not ever drinking again." I knew that was a lie but I felt really bad. Usually I can handle my liquor and don't get sick the day after but this time was different.

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