Chapter 15

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Being the one that can easily locate Shepard his daughter, Price asked me to join the mission. Ghost tried to object a few times, telling Price it wasn't safe for me to join and that I could do it from over here but I explained that it was easier to find her exact location if I was close to her.

He wasn't happy about it and he told me that when we got back to our rooms to get ready for the mission. He had given me a speech about staying close by his side and never do anything that could harm me etcetera. Before we left he brought me a bullet proof vest to wear which he forced me to wear.

We just arrived in London and were now taking the metro to Piccadilly circus where I traced Amelia's phone. She had been moving all day so I kept a firm hold of my tablet so I could continue to follow her every move.

Once we were all standing in the metro, I noticed that everyone was looking at us with fear in their eyes. Not that I could blame them, I'd probably do the same if I saw 6 heavily armed soldiers standing in a subway. Ghost stood next to me, he leaned in so he could whisper to me. "Are you alright?"

"People are staring."

"I am too, you look breathtaking." I started blushing from the compliment. I had been nervous this entire time and he is out here making flirty comments.

Once we finally arrived at our destination, we got out of the metro and walked up the stairs to see where we saw lots of people walking around the Piccadilly circus. It is super busy which will make it harder to find Amelia. I look down at the tablet to see where she is right now.

"So where is she?" Maria her annoying voice was heard from my left.

"She should be in one of these stores."

"There are a lot of stores, can't you be any more precise."

"The signal will get stronger once we get closer." I started walking in the direction of one of the shops, ignoring any more comments she was about to make. I was still pissed at her for last night and didn't feel like talking to her anyway.

Everybody was looking around the big open space that was crawling with people but no sign of Amelia yet. Out of nowhere Ghost stops me and the rest of the team follows. A group of shadows made their way over towards us and once they noticed who we were, they started aiming their guns at us.

The people around us who saw this, started to panic and were running in opposite directions while yelling. The team jumped behind cover right before they opened fire towards us. Ghost pulled me with him behind one of the parked cars. The team pulled out their guns and started shooting back at the Shadows.

If they were here, that means we were getting close to Amelia and they know that. I kept looking around while the team was fighting and saw Amelia running into a café a few meters to my right. The team was too busy to notice so I decided to run after her while they kept the shadows busy.

"It's a trap!" Soap yelled through his coms.

"We have to stop them before they kill all these innocent people."

"Let's split up. Gaz and Maria you take the left, Soap and frost cover us from here, Roach you're with me." Ghost ordered his team before peaking the top of the car, eliminating a shadow in the process.

"Has anyone seen Ashley?" He asked his team after looking back to his right to find out I wasn't there anymore. Panic rushed through him when he couldn't find me, with so many people running around, it was impossible to find me.

"I thought she was next to you?" Soap had answered him.

"Not anymore!"

"Guys we're in position, let's get them." Maria informed the team, waiting for Ghost his next orders.

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