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The next day Felix came into therapy as early as possible. Chan made him feel some type of way he's never felt before. Or at least something he hasn't felt in a long time.

He finally was starting to feel comfortable with someone again. Not that he didn't feel comfortable around his sister, he just couldn't open up about it. As for Han and Minho, he's only had more so interactions with them not real conversation. How could he though? They don't understand sign language and Felix just didn't feel like making friends.

Maybe it was time to open up about it. This time instead of being escorted to Chans room by the handsome front desk man he found his own way and knocked. That familiar voice to come in was heard from the other side. Felix was met with that bright smile he's come to admire a bit. He hurried to sit down not as timidly as he usually does.

"Felix! How are you today?" Chan said resting his chin on his hand. Felix nodded his head in response giving the smallest of a smile back to the therapist.

"Have you been practicing humming?"

"Mmh" Felix hummed, not as loud as he had wanted it to be but he was proud he was able to make a noise at all. He has a bit of an idea how his voice was going to sound considering how deep his hums sounded.

Chan smiled brightly and clapped his hand happily.

"Now thats what we call progress!" Chan complimented, Felix's face heating up at the praise. Felix hesitated a bit before starting to sign.

"I think I'm ready to talk about something...if you don't mind listening." Felix signed, his hands feeling a bit shaky.

"Of course. I'm here to help you so whenever you're ready." Chan said feeling happy to see his patient finally opening up.

"It all started four years ago. After my parents died. I...had a boyfriend at the time. He was there for me through the whole thing but one day." Felix paused feeling tears burning at his eyes. He took a deep breathe before continuing.

"I went up to hug him in the hallway. And he pushed me away. Called me...you know. Told me he was just messing around with me. Everyone after that incident would bully me before I moved schools. I became afraid to talk to anyone so I just never did. I even became afraid to talk to my own sister. Talking to myself eventually faded and. I just never spoke again." Felix finally finished with tears running from his eyes non stop. He finally had the chance to wipe his tears, small sobs escaping his lips. When his crying got this bad he would cut. It's been so long since he's cried like this.

Chan frowned seeing the boys frantic state. Chan knew he wasn't supposed to do this but he got up and sat next to Felix. He grabbed a tissue and helped wipe away the males tears. Felix looked up at the therapist with glossy eyes making Chan heart break.

"You're very brave for recalling this Felix I want you to know that. Now that I know what the root of your problem is I can help you out." Chan said softly, Felix humming in response.

"You don't feel comfortable talking to your sister right?" Chan asked.


"Okay. How about...give me your phone." Felix tilted his head in confusion but handed it to the male anyways. Chan opened up his contacts and typed his number into the phone saving it as 'Chan🗣' before handing it back.

"Having someone to talk to is extremely important. Text me anytime okay? Think of me as your new friend!" Chan smiled. The word friend scared Felix but he had to feel scared to over come his fears. Felix hummed and gave Chan a small smile.

"Thats all for today. The office is closed tomorrow so I'll see you on friday okay?" Chan stood up, Felixing following. Felix hummed amd bowed at the male before leaving.

A few minutes after Felix left, Hyunjin walked in giving Chan a small smirk.

"What did you do to make that boy look so happy?" Hyunjin leaned against the door frame.

"I'm a therapist Jinnie. It's my specialty to make peeople feel better." Chan rolled his eyes.

Hyunjin glared at the male before shrugging. "He's just your type. Careful not to catch feelings." Hyunjin joked makinh Chan blush deeply.

"Don't say such things! I'm not treating you to dinner anymore!"

𝖲𝗉𝖾𝖾𝖼𝗁 𝖳𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖺𝗉𝗒 | 𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗅𝗂𝗑Where stories live. Discover now