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Felix carefully entered his house, sighing in relief when it looked like supposedly nobody was home. That was until he heard foot steps frantically coming down the stairs.

"Felix!" Racheal yelled and pulled her brother into a tight hug, maybe a little too tight since it caused the male to gasp for air. She let go softly touched her brothers face. Tears filled in her eyes as she tried go speak again. All Felix could do was keep a straight face, her past words and behavior replaying in his mind.

"Felix I'm...I'm so sorry for what I said to you. Stuff has been tough for me at work and I took it out on you. You know I love you so much and these past two days have been hell." Felix pulled away from the hug and took a step back. He thought about signing but he knew she couldn't understand. Being with Chan was way less stressful. He could sign and even speak a few words if he wanted to. Felix walked off to find the note pad he and his sister often communicated through. He scribbled a few words before giving it to her.

I was staying at a friends house. Its none of your business

"But Felix I'm your guardian and your sister!"

My sister wouldn't have yelled at me like that

Racheal sighed and ran a hand through her long brunette locks. "I will never talk to you like that again Lix. Just please don't disappear like that again. And you've made a friend?" Racheal asked.

Felix didn't like the subject change but he had no intention of forgiving her just yet so maybe it was for the best.

Yes. He's been helping me with my speech. I'm going upstairs

Felix put the notepad down and walked away cutting their conversation short. Racheal smiled slightly as she watched her brother walk away. She was happy he made a friend. Even though he was angry with her, Felix's expression was the calmest and happiest she's seen it in awhile.

"Maybe its time to let my baby brother be." She said to herself.


Like it always does Monday came. Felix didn't do anything but stay in his room after talking to his sister. But instead of feeling depressed he felt like he was healing instead. He texted Chan for a bit which made him happy. He even did some homework before going to bed. Felix got up early to shower and take the time to look good. He was seeing Chan after all. The thought of the older made his cheeks light up red as the kiss they shared in his car replayed in his mind. Would Chan try kissing him again? No that would be unprofessional...but nobody would have to know...

Felix went through the day normally. Having Jisung blabber away to him at lunch was getting less annoying and more enjoyable. Sometimes he would make him laugh and in that rare occasion it was funny to see the shock on his face whenever the laugh came out.

"That speech therapist of yours better get you talking soon! Your voice laugh is kinda hot, might have to leave Minho I won't lie." Jisung said scooting away from his boyfriend. Minho shook his head and pulled Jisung back to his side.

"Yah right. Not in front of my food." Minho laughed.

Felix cleared his throat before making an attempt to speak gaining both his friends attention.

"I..." Jisung and Minho leaned closer in anticipation, "N-neverm-mind" Felix turned away with a deep blush on his cheeks. Jisung immediately squeezed Felix in a hug, laughing excitedly at hearing his friend speak.

"Amazing! You voice is so cool! Your speech therapist must be amazing!" Jisung let go of Felix before he suffocated the males. Felix smiled and nodded his head.

He sure is something...

After school Felix happily walked over to the office with a small smile on his face. When he got there Hyunjin greeted him as usual.

"Excited for your final week of therapy?" Hyunjin asked curiously.

"I guess so." Felix sighed. Would he be able to see Chan after this week? Maybe this is where whatever they had ends.

"You can go in now." Hyunjin smiled warmly. He watched as Felix walked away, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Oh they definitely have a thing going on."

Felix knocked on the door and waiting for Chan to tell him to come in. Felix walked over nervously as Chan was hurriedly finishing paperwork from a previous appointment. Once finished he put his pen down with a sigh. His face immediately lit up when seeing Felix.

"My favorite patient." Chan grinned watching Felix blush a bit.

"H-Hello." Felix spoke up.

"Your stutter has gotten better! Have you been speaking at home?" Chan asked.

"N-No. Just t-to my f-friend." Felix felt pretty proud of himself. A confidence in himself he's missed. Even though he didn't exactly say anything to Jisung he still technically spoke.

"I'm so proud of you! Why don't we just talk today?" Felix nodded at the suggestion.

A/n: SORRY SO SO LATE😭 I loveeeee reading your comments! no idea how u guys like this story but it warms my heart seriously❤️

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