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Felix pov

Yup. I went back to my room in the middle of their conversation. I love Chan but...wait no I didn't mean it like that. But anyways my point being it was awkward and I didn't want to stay for them having a conversation about me. I am curious about what Chan would say about me, all good things I hope. But what will my sister be asking? We've been so distant lately, I haven't even been been home all weekend just avoiding her.

Should I ease drop on them?...

3rd person

Chan settled in two chairs away from Felix's elder sister so he would feel comfortable. Before he started speaking his eyes shifted over to the wine that Racheal was drinking.

"Pink Moscato. You have great taste in wine." Chan complimented. A light blush came over Racheals face as she took another sip from her glass.

"Thank you very much. It goes down easier than red or white wine so I prefer it. But anyways tell me, has my brother really been speaking?" She asked turning the topic back to Felix.

"Yes. The beginning was a bit tough. I needed to find the reason he had gone mute in the first place. I did my best to make him as comfortable as possible to get him to open up. From there it was a matter of getting Felix to find an outlet for his negative emotions and... sorry I'm rambling." Chan laughed seeing that Racheal seemed to be a big lost.

"No no Im following along please continue. I have a few guesses as to why he went mute but I don't know the exact details. It doesn't help that I wasn't able to understand sign language. He probably got tired of texting or writing to communicate with me." Racheal sighed and took another sip. Chan frowned.

"Cases like this are difficult. The patient may not want to confide in anyone for whatever reason it may be. So you don't need to feel bad. But to continue what I was saying before." Chan cleared his throat. "Felix has been talking. He started how by only say a few words. But as if recently he's been speaking multiple sentences! He's mostly only comfortable speaking to me, but he has said a couple words to a friend from school which is amazing progress." Chan couldn't even hold a professional face as he spoke about Felix. He smiled ear to ear.

"Felix has been a delightful patient to work with. He has taught me so many new things about- my profession." Chan caught himself before he went too far.

Racheal was curious about Chan suddenly tripping over himself. Raised her brow. "What has he taught you?"

"Good question...he's taught me that staying in an office fir therapy isn't always the most effective. In order to get the best results for someone like Felix was to move it to the outside world. Put him in uncomfortable situations where he while being supportive and comforting along the way. This is what truly helped Felix. He just needed to get out of the routine he had become comfortable with." Chan smiled.

Racheal took a few more swigs of wine before speaking again, this time her face more serious. It was clear at this point the alcohol was settling in her system seeing as to how flushed her cheeks became.

"When will Felix finally speak to me." She said seriously. The vibe in the room has definitely shifted to a mire tense one.

"I cannot answer that." Chan replied in a professional tone.

"He's told you about our fight right? How much of a bitch his older sister is?" Racheal looked down as she spoke in  a rough tone. Chan was taken aback.

"Miss-" Chan was at a loss for words.

"Don't need to sugarcoat it. What has he said to you?" Racheal said clenching her fist. Chan was sweating at this point. This woman switched up so quickly he can't tell how she even feels about Felix. It seems frustration has taken over any feelings if sympathy she has for her brother.

"Y-y-your g-going too f-far! Racheal." Felix stepped in. Anger had made him speak up to his sister at last even though he really really didn't want to. Felix had been listening in on the conversation from the bottom of the stairs to make sure he could save Chan if needed.

Racheal gasped when Felix spoke to her. "Y-Your voice! Holy- Felix. It's beautiful." Racheal said in awe with a smile. Felix disregarded her compliment. Her expression was the exact opposite of Felix's. Nobody was gonna intimidate Chan like that.

"It's l-late. Chan n-n-needs to go h-home." Felix said signaling Chan to stand up quickly.

"It was so nice to meet you Ms. Lee. Have a good night." Chan bowed. She stood and dud the same,  still not being able to say another word.

Felix walked Chan outside. Once they were out the front door Chan let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding in. Felix immediately gave him a tight hug, burring his face into Chans chest.

"I'm s-sorry." Felix's voice was muffled but Chan knew exactly what he was saying. He embraced the younger back and laughed.

"I was a bit upset when you left me but since you came to my rescue I'll let it slide." Chan pat Felix's head and pulled away from the hug to properly look at his face.

"I'm proud of you. You actually spoke in front of your sister." Chan smiled gently as he moved the hair out of Felix's face

"I w-want t-to prove a p-point." Felix smiled.

"Point proven. She was speechless!" Chan and Felix both laughed.

"I'm tired of speaking. I've spoken too much today my battery is dead." Felix signed.

"That's fair. You should get some rest now then. I'll see you tomorrow." Chan smiled.

"Maybe tomorrow we won't be interrupted and can pick up where we left off" Felix signed innocently nearly giving Chan a heart attack.

"I'm a bad influence after all." Chan shook his head. Felix laughed and pulled Chan into a quick kiss goodbye.

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