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Felix was taken aback a bit. He was going to mentally prepare himself for hanging out with his therapist. Being thrown in this situation of yes or no was a but of a jumpscare. Chan could see the worry in Felix's eyes which made him laugh it off.

"Hey don't worry about it, it was just a suggestion. I'll see you-"

"I'm very hungry. Let's go." Felix signed building up the confidence. It wasn't a date so why should he be nervous. Chan has probably had dinner with his patients before so it should be fine.

Chan was shocked Felix actually agreed. He doesn't even know what caused him to ask such a question. He's never done this before. Maybe it was because he's never had a cute patient before. He hasn't even been a speech therapist for that long he's 23! Straight out of college! Chan stood up from his chair and grabbed his suit jacket. He was wearing a black turtle neck and grey dress pants, a grey jacket to match it. Felix didn't see the full outfit until the male stood up. He looked really good.

"Let's get going. You're actually my last client for the day so this works nicely." Chan said grabbing his car keys. Felix followed after Chan as they walked to the exit.

"Have a goodnight Hyunjin!" Chan waved at his friend as Felix bowed. Hyunjin raised a brow at the scene in front of him. Maybe they were just leaving at the same time.

Cool air hit Felix face making him shiver slightly. It was a clear night, perfect conditions for the walks Felix enjoyed taking. They walked to the parking lot until Chan stopped at an black audi Q3.
Oh so he's rich...
He unlocked the doors climbed in, pressing the start engine button.

"You okay?" Chan smiled at the make who was marveling at the brown interior of the car. Dim purple led lights shone from bellow his feet. It was a marvelous car.

"Mmh!" Felix hummed excitedly.

"So what would you like to eat?" Chan asked as he put his seatbelt on.

"Anything you like." Felix signed. Looking at his therapist not sitting behind that desk was attractive. His features were being highlighted by the purple lights.

"Hmm there's this good place that sells chicken and beer? But we can just eat the chicken" Chan suggested. Felix smiled and nodded his head. Chan smiled back and focused his attention in front as he drove off. The drive of course was quite but it wasn't terrible. He played his music quietly in the background to fill the silence until they got to the place. It was a small restaurant, didn't look like too many people were in there.

"Alright!" Chan exclaimed as he turned off the car and got out. Felix followed and exited the car. He could smell the restaurant already making his stomach growl. Chan looked down at the male(yes let's pretend he's taller) and laughed. Felix puffed out his cheeks in frustration at his stomach.

"Lets go in. Hey aunty!" Chan greeted the old woman behind the counter. He lead him and Felix to a table and passed the younger a menu.

"Chan is that you? It's so nice to see you dear." Chan stood up again to give her a hug, Felix just bowed his head avoiding any talking.

"The usual?"

"Yup! But minus the beer please." Chan added.

"And for you?" She turned her attention to Felix. The boy felt his breathing speed up at the sudden interaction. Chan could see something was up immediately by how frozen Felix looked.

"He'll have the same thing." Chan smiled and handed her back the menu's.

"Alright. 10 minutes." She walked away. Chan immediately turned his attention to Felix who looked like he was trying to calm down. Chan reached to hold one if the males hands in his own making Felix look at him.

"It's okay I got you. You don't usually go out to restaurants right?" Chan asked as the male nodded.

"You'll he comfortable soon enough. Let's enjoy ourselves for now. This is seriously the best chicken you will try." Chan let go of the males hand and sat back down properly. Felix signed thank you before he went back to waiting for the food to come. Both didn't really know what to talk about about it wasn't awkward. It was more of just enjoying each others company. Soon enough two plates of friend chicken and cups of water were served.

"Thank you for the food miss!" Chan thanked her before turning his attention to Felix.

"Try it and tell me that isn't the best chicken you've ever tried." Chan raised a brow before talking a bite. A loud 'mhhh' of satisfaction left his lips as he took a bite out of a drumstick. Felix watched the male enjoying his food before taking a bite of his own.

"Ah!" Felix exclaimed at the taste. The chicken was still juicy even though it had been fried. The outside was perfectly crispy and slightly flavored with salt and pepper. It truly was the best chicken he's eaten.

Chan smiled at the male eating. Felix's cheeks puffed out when he chewed making him look a bit like a baby.

"Adorable." Chan chuckled. Felix gave him a smile as he continued to eat. Who knew food could make him so happy. Or maybe it was the company.

They ate until they were completely full. Felix leaned back and pat his stomach. Even though not much talking was involved this was the most fun he's had in so long.

"I forgot it was possible to enjoy someone else's company. Thank you so much for the food." Felix stood up to bow at Chan. Chan stood up too and made Felix stand up straight.

"Don't thank me I also had a ton of fun! We shouldn't probably get going now you have school." Chan laughed. Felix looked down at the time to see it was close to 12. Did he lose track of time that badly. The two went back to Chans car and Felix put in his address since he couldn't just tell Chan the way. Chan stopped in front of Felix's house and turned to face the younger.

"Text me if you need anything, I don't sleep early" Chan winked.

"Mmh." Felix hummed and waved goodbye. He walked into the house happier than usual. Felix put down his coat and bag before a light turned on in the living room.

"Why are you home so late?"

A/n: From here the story really begins! Im gonna try my best to make this longer than Fake it. If you haven't read my other Chanlix fic make sure to check it out!

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