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"S-So where a-re we going?" Felix asked as the scenery around him changed from something he was less familiar with. Since he came to Korea him and his sister never had a car and walked or took cabs places. But it's not like he wanted to go out and explore anyways.

"You've never been here? We're in Myeongdong! Theres a market here I absolutely love the market and its a nice place to just walk around and eat whatever you want!" Chan explained as he found a parking spot he parallel parked into.

"We just have to walk a bit." Chan explained as they both got out of the car. The sky wasn't completely dark yet, just a dark blue with the stars poking through. Felix curiously looked around this unfamiliar setting. He lived more towards the suburbs so going to the heart of the city like this almost reminded him of Sydney. The streets were busy as usual and Felix found himself falling behind Chan.

"W-wait!" Felix called out grabbing onto Chans arm. He immediately let go after realizing what he did making the older laugh.

"I can really tell you haven't explored the city much. Here, hang onto my arm." Chan offered his arm like the gentleman he is, Felix hesitantly interlocking his own. They were now walking closely together like the other couples Felix has been observing making him blush.

"Are you okay?" Chan looked down as Felix nodded. Chan didn't have to indicate they arrived, steam and food stalls surrounded the two. Stand workers calling out what they were selling and people walking around with skewers and paper bowls. Felix's face lit up with excitement.

"I've a-always wanted to t-try s-street food!" Felix's grip tightened around Chans arm. Chan smiled brightly at Felix's cuteness. If showing him new stuff meant seeing him this happy they should go out every day.

"Lets not eat with our eyes but our mouths too! Lets get some real food to eat before we try the other stuff." Chan led Felix to a small place that sold the best cold noodles he's ever tasted. And it seems Felix thought the same with how fast he finished his food. Satisfied, Chan let Felix lead the way. He watched every happy expression on Felix's face as they walked through the place.

"There!" Felix suddenly bolted towards a stand selling korean pastries and bread.

"I-I've always wanted t-to taste(😏) custard bread." Felix didn't even face Chan as he scanned all the delicious looking deserts. The lady selling looked at Felix fondly, she too finding the male to be incredibly adorable.

"Would you like to try one? On the house for the handsome boy." The lady smiled as she grabbed one and bagged it, reaching it out to Felix. The male gasped being snapped out of his trance. He shook his head and reach for his wallet, counting out a few bills. The woman placed her hand over Felix's to stop him from counting.

"If you want you can just buy another but this one us free." She laughed.

"T-thank you!" Felix's eyes sparkled as he turned around and took it out the bag. Without much hesitation he took a bug bite out of it, a satisfied moan leaving his lips as the sweet bread mixed with a light custard filled his mouth. Chan wiped away some that got on his mouth, bringing it up to his mouth for a taste.

"Delicious! Maybe because it came from your mouth though." Chan smirked making Felix give him a little smack on the arm.

"Its j-just like I i-imagined." Felix reached into his pocket and took out money to buy another. The rest of the night consisted of Chan following Felix on his food tour. He basically paid for everyone Felix looked at because he couldn't get enough of his happy eating face.

After two long hours they finally returned to the car exhausted but happy. Felix couldn't wipe away the stupid grin on his face even as he settled into the quite car. The complete opposite of the market.

"I would ask if you had fun but your face tells me everything." Chan reached out for Felix's hand giving it a small squeeze. Felix jumped out of his thoughts and turned to the older male, putting his other hand over Chans. He brought his hand up to his heart, Chan laughing a bit at how fast it was beating.

"We're away from the market now your poor heart can rest." Chan laughed.

"I-I can't! Never t-thought I'd have s-so much fun around so m-many people!" Felix said with a huge smile. His cheeks were rosy, those beautiful freckles showing through the moon light. Chan didn't even notice how long he had been staring at Felix until a kiss was placed on his palm. Chan instinctively moved his hand away, a fake frown on his face as he watched Felix laugh at him.

"Hey!- you know what." With that Chan leaned over and captured Felix cheeks between his hand making the younger squeal in excitement as he tried to wiggle away from the man trying kiss him.

"No no! I-I'm sorry! Ah!" Felix accepted defeat as Chan placed pecks all over his face, leaving on one place unkissed. Felix puckered his lips waiting for Chan to kiss them. He let out an annoyed sigh when he didn't get what he wanted. Chan gave in pressed his lips onto Felix's squished ones, this time lingering for longer than a peck. He finally let go of Felix's face letting him settle back in his seat.

"Cars are not really a comfortable place to mess around huh." Chan groaned rubbing the side of his rib cage which had been pressing against the arm of the chair.

"Then...w-wanna come over t-to my place?"

Sorry I disappeared! I just graduated high school and me and my friends took a trip to Aruba! So flattered people actually want more😂 if this chapter feels like a mess its cuz I've been writing it on and off for a month!

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