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"How I really feel? Felix..." Chan nervously laughed scratching the back of his neck. But Felix didn't look amused at all. Chan wonders how the man had just woken from losing so much blood, and chose violence.

"I'm your therapist, you're supposed to talk about your feelings with me. " Chan tried to avoid the question.

"Don't be like that now. If you're trying to make it seem like we didn't cross the line, we crossed it when you invited me to sleep over at your house for the weekend. Also when we were making out intensely on my bed. Also when we fully intended to have s-"

Chan grabbed Felix's hands to make him stop signing. Chans face for the first time was a deep red from everything Felix was recapping. Seeing Chans expression shocked Felix a bit. He didn't know it was possible to see Chan in such a vulnerable state. Felix didn't try and move his hands out of Chans grip until the male realized what he was doing.

"S-Sorry. I just wasn't expecting you to sign that so casually." Chan cleared his throat and letting go of Felix's hands trying to calm himself down.

"Felix. You're right. I've crossed the line. Jumped over it even. My feelings for you...they're too strong. When I look at you I don't just see a patient, I see a beautiful boy who I not only want to help speak again, but someone I couldn't bear to be away from. And thats where the problem is. I've already violated so many rules. I could get my license taken from me." Chan admitted. His gaze dropped not being able to look Felix in the eyes.

Felix didn't really know how to react. Should he be mad at Chan for forming a intimate relationship with him? Guilty that he could get license taken? Happy that he actually likes him?

"Chan." Felix spoke, his voice horse. Chan looked up at the male to find him smiling?

"I-I don't want y-you to be my s-speech therapist anymore." Felix spoke in a soft voice as he spoke. He took Chans hand and squeezed it. Chan looked so confused.

"What?" Chan said taken aback.

"From h-here on out you're n-not my speech t-therapist." Felix repeated. Chan let out a pained laugh as he began to tear up. He wiped his tears in disbelief. He's never cried involuntarily like this.

"Sorry. I just- I don't understand. Why? And why are you laughing." Chan couldn't help but look pissed as the male was silently giggling, covering his mouth with his hand.

"You think me crying is funny? You really just hurt my feelings." Chan said wiping his tears. Felix reached for Chans face and helped him wipe his tears.

"Calm d-down crybaby. I d-don't want you t-to be m-my therapist because I want y-you to be my boyfriend." Felix smiled softly.

"Y-you coming here was p-proof enough that you c-care a-about me as much as I d-do you." Felix softly stroked Chans cheek when he was done wiping the males tears. He couldn't help but look fondly at the surprised look on Chans face. Chan didn't say a word before leaning in to pull Felix into a kiss. It felt so right. The butterflies that filled his stomach, the sparks that flew whenever they kissed, the way their lips moved in synch. Chan pulled away with a big smile on his face.

"This wasn't the way I expected it to happen at all but yes. Since you're technically not my patient anymore I will be your boyfriend." Chan laughed.

"But we're redoing this when you're out the hospital." Chan laughed lightly before he went in to hug Felix. Felix tried to hug him back but he winced in pain when he tried to squeeze Chan back.

"I-I really didn't k-know I cut this d-deep." Felix sighed.

"I understand why you might have done it. I know those thoughts can be loud. Thats why you can talk to me to mellow them out." Chan kissed Felix's forehead making him blush and nod.

Getting close to the ends🤭. I was never going to leave this story unfinished. But don't worry when this one is finished I already have another brewing🗣️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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