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Sun. 8:28 am

Lee Felix answer me right now!

Its been two days and I haven't
heard a word from you

Please come home...

Read 9:00 am

Felix sat up after hearing his phone go off multiple times. He rubbed his eyes and looked to see who it was. He wasn't expecting his sister to actually show any worry after what she'd said. Felix rolled his eyes and set his phone down. He has overstayed at Chans house by now, the older must be sick of him by now. Felix got up and got himself ready for the morning. He put his old clothes on and tidied up the room he had been staying in. He grabbed his phone and left the room.

Seeing Chan wasn't awake, he quietly went to put his shoes on but froze when he heard a door click.

"Felix? You're leaving?" Chan rubbed his eyes as he walked over to where the shorter was. Chan was wearing nothing but grey sweatpants. He must have woken up quickly if he hadn't realized he left without a shirt on. Felix tried to avoid looking but his face turning red gave it away.

"Sorry I didn't want to bother you this early so I was going to walk home. My sister is pretty mad at me." Felix signed quickly, standing once his shoes were on right.

"Wait here. I'll take you I just need a hoodie." Chan quickly ran back into his room to get a random hoodie and his car keys before coming out and putting his shoes on.

"You should have shook me awake. I could never be bothered by you Lix." Chan said leading the two out of his apartment.

"L-Lix?" Felix said aloud hearing the cute nickname Chan had just given him. Chan turned his head, smiling brightly upon hearing his voice.

"I just thought of that. I won't say it if you don't like it." Chan opened his car up before the both climbed in. Felix turned to look at Chan, a blush spreading across his face. Who knew getting a nickname would make him feel so warm(and fluffy I'm sorry😭)

"I l-like it." Felix said just loud enough for Chan to hear. Talking was pretty fun in front of Chan at least. Who knew what would happened if he tried in front of someone else.

"Good because its going to stick. Short and sweet. Just like you." Chan laughed as he began to drive. Felix gasped not knowing whether to take that as a compliment or insult.

"I'm not s-short!" Felix argued. He wanted to say more but he wasn't sure if his throat could take it.

"You're right. You're not short. You're just pretty short." Chan snickered loving the frustrated face Felix made. The rest of the short ride was silent as usual. Chan hopes if there is a next time they will exchange words for the whole way. Felix felt stomach churning as they got closer to his house. Facing his sister so soon was getting to him. Felix played with his hands nervously, he hadn't even noticed they arrived until he felt Chans hand on top of his.

"Hey. Keep calm okay? I know you're scared about your sister but communication is key. You're her little brother which she sympathizes with. Hear her out and even try and show her you can speak now. And of you still feel bad after I'm a text or call away." Chan spoke in the most gentle tone he could muster. His hand slowly rubbed Felix's palm, calming the other instantly as they held eye contact. Their faces wee closer than he thought. One wrong move and their lips would touch for real.

Chan couldn't help but look down at Felix's lips. They looked so kissable and inviting. Felix was thinking the same as he stared at Chans. His heart was pounding hard. Maybe it was the desperation to not leave the car but Felix made the first move and leaned in. He closed his eyes as he left a quick peck on Chans lips. Chans eyes went wide, his move falling open with disbelief.

"S-Sorry a-n-nd t-hanks!" Felix hurriedly tried to escape but Chan didn't let him. Chan pulled Felix right back, kissing him again. This time long enough enough to make his own heart feel like it would burst. The more their lips moved together the more it felt like their hidden feelings were being released. Felix pulled away, soft breaths leaving his lips as he tried to compose himself. The two looked at each other before breaking out into laughter.

"Hopefully that cheered you up. I'll see you later Lix" Chan smiled fondly. Felix waves before getting out of the car. Once he got to the door he turned around to let Chan know he could leave. He sighed and turned back towards the door before twisting the knob open, ready to confront his sister.

A/n: Hopefully they aren't a lot of typo's I got my nails done they pretty long😂 THEY FINALLY KISSED UGH IVE BEEN WAITING TO WRITE THAT! And another chapter coming tonight lovies

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