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"Why are you home so late Felix?"

Felix froze in place as he turned to see his older sister sitting in the living room with one light on like a scene from a movie. Felix gulped and took out his phone quickly to text her. Thats when he saw a bunch of missed text messages from her.

Felix are you home? I'll be back
In 2 hours ill cook you something
yummy ;D

Hey it's getting late you should
Be back from therapy right?

Felix I'm getting worried...

FELIX? Its been 3 hours? Should
I call the cops?

I'm so sorry Im just seeing this

Thats all you can say? I've been worried
sick and you give me one sentence

I was just hanging out with a friend

Friend? So the speech therapy is
working? Why aren't you talking
to me

Well I can't talk yet but I'm start small
with stuff like humming...

Humming? Im not paying for you to
hum I want you to be talking. It's
been a week and nothing?

Don't be a bitch. You haven't even been
home enough to check up on anything
I've been doing and now you want
to act like my mother?

The only people thats cared for me
died four years ago. If you want
to stop paying for my speech
therapy go ahead. Not that
I'd ever want to talk to you.

With that text Felix felt tears welling in his eyes. No way was he about to cry in front of his sister. But there you go, another person that didn't care about him. Another person to suddenly change up their feelings. Even without speaking people still hated him. Felix slowing backed away towards the front door as his sister stood up in an attempt to get close to him.

"Wait...I didn't mean that I'm just stressed. You know I-" before she could finish any sentence Felix quickly ran out the house, tears running down his face. He hated the fact he was so sensitive to this but it was the fact that Racheal was the one person he felt hadn't given up on him even though he thought she already had. Maybe the speech therapy was her last draw, and the fact that he wasn't talking was probably her breaking point.

Felix stopped running when he felt himself out of breath. He found himself close by the elementary near him. He'd often come here at night to clear his mind but he stopped doing it because he had no energy to walk this far out. Felix plopped himself down on a bench and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath trying to calm himself down. Just as his breathing slowed down he heard wood chips crunching indicating someone was near him. He sat up quickly and turned his attention towards-

"Chan?" Felix signed at the male he had just left a while ago.

"Hey. Sorry for sneaking up on you. Someone called me so I was parked outside your house. I saw you run out so I came to check up on you. Looks like I did the right thing." Chan walked over and sat close to Felix. Chan's a therapist, he was equipped to deal with situations like this, but for some reason he felt it wasn't appropriate to act like one. Felix's sniffled were breaking his heart. The male didn't even look up when he sat down but instead averted his eyes.

"Wanna talk about it?"

Felix shook his head. It was silent for a bit. Chan sighed and pulled the smaller into a hug. Felix's sniffles halted as he was pulled into the warmth of the male. Suddenly in felt like with each rub to his back his worries slowly melted away. Its been so long since anyone has hugged him with such care. Felix couldn't help but hug him back, definitely a surprise to Chan. Chan smiled at the action, patting the males head before Felix pulled back.

"I want to talk." Felix signed.

"Go ahead I'm paying attention." Chan smiled with his hand still on the males shoulder.

"No I mean I want to talk talk. My sister, I don't think she loves me anymore. She was so angry with my progress." Felix said feeling himself get teary.

"If I was just able to speak, maybe she would love me again. I just can't lose another person. My parents, my ex, maybe you'll get sick of me next cause I'm not making progress." Felix signed quickly. Chan shook his head stopped Felix's hands between his own.

"To me it just sounds like your sister had a long day. She shouldn't have taken it out on you but theres no way she doesn't care about her little brother. Give her some time. And as for me, it's my job to make sure that you start speaking again. And it will happen. And to be honest with you, I seem to be getting attached to you so theres no way I'll leave you now." Chan blushed a bit at the last part. He isn't sure how he meant that to come out but it was too late to take it back. Saying something like that to a patient was definitely a bad idea and against every rule but you got to take risk sometimes right?

Felix looked up and make eye contact with Chan. Searching for any lies in his words but all he was met with was sincerity. His eyes were so kind Felix couldn't help but crack a smile. He hasn't felt so many emotions in one day in a while. Going from happy to angry terribly sad to happy again. Felix nodded his head and gave Chan a semi loud 'mhm!' To acknowledge his words. Felix slid his hands out of Chans so he could say something.

"I don't want to go home. You can leave now if you want it's late."

"Why don't you sleepover at my place then?"

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