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Chans pov

It was the next morning after me and Felix successfully played his sister. It was all thanks to my amazing acting skills since Felix decided to leave me in the dust. I wasn't actually mad. Who could stay mad at his cute face? I just wish we had spent more time together...thats why we should've gone to my apartment.

I walk into the office as usual before opening and I find Hyunjin cleaning the waiting area.

"Good morning Jinnie." Chan smiled and greeted his friend.

"Hello Chan. You look too happy today...is Felix coming in later?" Hyunjin raised a brow at him.

"He is...can I not be happy to see my favorite patient?" Chan rolled his eyes.

"No you can! As long as you're not in love with said patient." Hyunjin smirked.

"Chill! Damn did you get into a fight with Changbin again or something?" Chan raised his hands.

"You son of a-" Hyunjin was cut off when Chan's phone began to ring. A smile graced his lips when he saw it was Felix. It was a little weird for him to call this early though. He quickly picked up.

"Hey Lix what up?" Chan answered but was confused when he heard sobs on the other end.

"Sorry. This isn't Felix it's his sister. Please. Come to the hospital quick. I don't want to be the one he sees when he wakes up. I-It's all my fault." Racheal sobbed and spoke frantically on the other end.

Chan was shocked, still processing what was being said.

"What happened to Felix? Is he okay? What happened!?" Chan was basically yelling making Hyunjin look at him with a concerned face.

"There was so much blood...please just come. I have to go." The phone hung up and Chan immediately made a b line for the door leaving Hyunjin confused.

Chan doesn't think he's ever driven so quickly. But all he could think about was Felix. Everything was fine. He was just fine when he left, smiling. Did he cut again? That's the only thing that would make him bleed unless his sister...she wouldn't. Right?

Chan found parking quickly and rushed into the hospital.

"Lee Felix. Where is he." Chan demanded the receptionist.

"Are you a family-"

"Just give me the fucking room number." Chan said sternly making the lady jump.

"S-sorry. Room 113 just down the hall." Chan didn't even wait for her to complete the sentence before running and looking at all the room numbers until he found 113.

Third person

He practically barged in the room, slowing his breath when he saw Felix laying on the hospital bed peacefully. He was connected to an Iv pumping blood back into him. Chan carefully made his way over to Felix, he carefully held the males cold hand. He looked so pale and sick. Chan look down at Felix's arm and noticed how many scars really plagued it along with the bandage that must be covering the new one.

It was the first time he had seen Felix's arm since the male always wore a hoodie or jacket. It made Chans heart ache.

"I shouldn't have left...I'm so sorry Lix. I wish I could've done something. I nearly got a heart attack when I got that phone call." Chan whispered as he caressed his hand.

Chan jumped a bit when the door has opened.

"Oh hello. Where has the patients sister gone?" The doctor asked.

"She's gone home to rest. I offered to keep him company just incase he wakes up. Can you tell me what happened." Chan said seriously looking for answers.

"The patients sister brought him here with a a deep wound in his wrist which we had to stitch. She said she found him unconscious on the bathroom floor covered in blood. He lost a tom so we are doing a transfusion. She's lucky she found him when she did, he could have died if he was left for for an hour more." The doctor explained.

Chan felt sick to his stomach. Felix had been unconscious for all those hours unnoticed , all alone, and he wasn't there to help. Chan took a deep breath and nodded.

"When will he wake up?" Chan said turning his attention back to the boy.

"He should be waking up anytime now. I came in to check on him for that reason." The doctor said.

"Thats good to hear. I'll let a nurse let you know when he does." Chan said as the doctor bowed and walked out the room catching the hint. Chan sighed when he heard the door shut.

"Please wake up beautiful...is this what happens when I leave your side? I wish you would have called me..." Chan whispered as he gently placed a hand on Felix's cheek.

A few moments passed and Felix's face started to twitch awake. He slowly opened his eyes coming to. Chan gasped quietly as he watched the male wake up. Felix felt groggy and confused. His eyes finally fell onto Chan and he sat up straight in bed looking terrified.

"No Felix careful! Just calm down don't move to much." Chan tried to calm the male by rubbing his shoulder. Felix raised his hand to sign, thats when he noticed he was connected to an IV giving him blood. His arm was also wrapped in a bandage. He put two and two together on how he ended up in this situation. The emotions came flooding back making him tear up. Chan noticed and immediately tried to wipe his tears but Felix flinched away from his touch.

"Lix?" Chan said confused. Felix shakily brought his hands up to sign.

What are you doing here?

"Why wouldn't I be here? I got a call you were in the hospital so I came as fast as I could." Chan explained.

Why even care that I'm in the hospital.

"You're my patient. My favorite patient."

Stop. Just stop. There you go with that favorite patient bullshit.

Chans eyes widened.

"Felix I..." Chan paused. He felt like his words were stuck in his throat.

Lost for words? You've taken me out on what I think to be dates, let me stay over, cuddled me, kissed me, even almost had sex with me. And all you can say is I'm your favorite patient? You don't care about me.

Chan already knew he had been using the excuse that Felix is his favorite patient to get closer to him. Because if he was anything else. Felix couldn't be his patient anymore. If he admitted anything, it would make it real. He didn't know not admitting would have been a factor in contributing to this...

"Felix please. You are so much more than a patient to me. Every kiss, cuddle, word, touch, I've initiated has been genuine. I just- I was too scared to share my feelings with you the way you have." Chan took a deep breath.

Scared to share your feelings? Thats funny because that's all I've done with you. So you owe it to me. Just be real with me. Do you genuinely like me?

A/n: I be cooking at 4 am! A long one for u guys. Its about to get emotional ya'll we finally get to see what Chan is hiding behind that therapist persona👀

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