I: Their appearance

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A thick tension hung over the large room Ego had called all 4 teams of the Neo Egoist League. A sort of anxiety pooled within most of their stomachs as they awaited whatever crazy announcement their equally as crazy coach had to tell them.

It was supposed to be a break for the teams seeing as how they recently just finished another match-up. But instead of training or being able to rest, they were unfortunately called into this room.

A small bead of sweat rolled down Isagi's knotted brows while looking ahead. It wasn't like he had anywhere else to stare at though. The walls were a porcelain white, the color being easily comparable to that of a hospital's unnerving cream-colored walls.

The room was practically bare save for the large screen embedded in the wall at the very front and the automatic doors that led them all here. 

Craning his head to his right, he notices Hiori and Kurona talking about what Ego might want while to his left stood an eerily quiet Kaiser. The German hasn't said a word to him or even glanced his way the moment they arrived here and for some reason, instead of feeling relieved, he couldn't help but feel unnerved.

His blue eyes, one as dark as the mining sky, remained glued to the ace for another second before once again returning to the still-blank screen to continue waiting. Coincidentally though, the screen immediately flashed open to showcase Ego once he looked at it.

The glasses-wearing man was in his standard position, his hands interlocked with one another as he stood tall with much confidence. An ominous aura radiated off of the man and even if they were rooms apart, the players in the room could swear that it felt like he was there with them.

Dark abyssal eyes with barely any light within them stared at the stiff players standing in attention. His pupils surveyed each and every one's forms before clearing his throat, the sound bouncing inside the room.

"You're all probably wondering why I called you here." Ego spoke with a leveled voice. If he didn't have everyone's attention before, then he certainly did now.

"I know it's already quite late within the Neo Egoist League but I've made an... addition, so to speak." Murmurs surfaced within the room as they all wondered what type of suffering Ego had in store for them.

Admittedly, Isagi too was interested in what this sudden addition could be. A certain aura seemed to wrap around his being as he felt a grin overcome his face, the thought of a stronger challenge and a good opponent making him feel restless.

 As he looked up at the image of Ego,  the egoist's eyes couldn't help but wander over to his side. As he did so, he felt a small chill run down his spine once he caught sight of the sinister grin Kaiser had plastered on his face.

'He knows something.'  Isagi felt his eyes narrow down at the other's suspicious behavior before shrugging it off. There was no use in pestering the other seeing as how it'll all be revealed by Ego anyways.

"Don't worry, no major rules were changed but I did add a few new ones." Ego's voice once again cut through the growing whispers in the room. "Although that should be the least of your concern."

As he said this, the automatic doors leading to the room suddenly opened catching everyone's attention. All eyes turned towards it once they heard footsteps come from the other side.

"Prepare yourself for your additional challenge, you unpolished gems.' ego spoke but no one seemed to be listening to him anymore as they all gawked and stared at the players before them.

"Meet Real Madrid."

—Bessoted (By you),

Prologue fin~

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