IX: Mornings (with you)

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[5 days before the Neo Egoist League]

The smell of food was the first thing [Name] had processed the moment he had woken up from his slumber. The last thing he remembered from last night was falling asleep in Sae's car after they went driving around all over the place to just hang out and explore.

A small yawn spilled from his lips as he tiredly rubbed his eyes. God, he felt so oily and he knew for a fact that his hair was definitely in a tangled mess. Despite that though, he can't help but admit that he hasn't slept this great in a long time.

Standing up from his bed, he walked over to his bedside table in search of his usual hairpins only to find them not in their usual place. Confusion immediately filled him as he felt around the table and even searched all over the inside drawer.

Grumbling, he immediately walked over to the door with the intent of finding Sae to search for some answers. The moment he stepped out, the smell of food strengthened causing his stomach to grumble a bit.

Unfortunately, he had a  much different priority—his hair—to tend to.

"Sae, have you seen my hair clips?" [Name] mumbled with another yawn as he walked towards the mini kitchen in their currently shared apartment, the place where the midfielder would most likely be.

"Sae, have you seen my hair clips?" [Name] mumbled with another yawn as he walked towards the mini kitchen in their currently shared apartment, the place where the midfielder would most likely be

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(He's so pretty omfg, anyways credits to the creator!)

At the sound of his voice, Sae looked away from the food he was plating and saw [Name] tiredly walking around with slightly ruffled hair. A small, fond smile instinctively tugged on his lips as he looked at the blonde in amusement.

"Idiot." He mumbled the word affectionately as he put down the plates he held in favor of approaching the other teen that has begun looking for his hair clips in the living room.

Hearing the insult, a small annoyed tick mark appeared on [Name]'s forehead as he gave Sae a strained smile. "So have you seen them or not?" He asked as politely as he could, clearly trying not to lunge at his obnoxious midfielder.

"Of course I do," Sae spoke coolly as he walked around the couches and approached the coffee table in the middle. He then proceeded to crouch down before pulling out the red hairpins he had been looking for.

"You found it!" [Name] spoke in slight surprise as he approached Sae with a brightened expression. "But how did you know they were there?"

"I'm the one who took it off you last night, remember?" Sae asked with a blank stare as he shook his head. "You were so tired that you were willing to sleep with them on."

"Oh..." A small, embarrassed blush appeared on [Name]'s face as he merely blinked in realization. "Thank you...?"

Sae seemed to grow quiet for a moment before he lifted up a hand to gently flick the other's forehead.

"Hey!" [Name] cried out as he brought a hand to run to the place he was hit on. "What was that for?!"

"Just go sit down on the couch," Sae spoke vaguely with a sigh before walking off to grab something. Visible question marks floated around [Name]'s face at the sudden change of topic before he shook his head and sat down.

A small grumble seemed to leave his lips as he stared at the table in front of him. He waited for a few seconds before he heard Sae come back. Turning around, he was about to ask him questions before noticing the hairbrush in his hand.

Realization appeared on his face as he looked at the other with wide eyes. "You want to...?"

"Yep." The redhead answered immediately as he settled himself behind [Name]. He then proceeded to gently grab a section of the other's hair before slowly combing through it and detangling any knots.

A small blush seemed to form on [Name]'s face as he looked ahead and let Sae do what he wanted. To be honest, this wasn't the first time Sae had offered to brush his hair for him but despite that, the action still makes him melt every time.

Once Sae had finished combing through his hair, [Name] felt the other style his hair with simple side braids before putting on his hair clips to keep it neat and tidy for the rest of the day.

"There, done." The midfielder breathed out as he took a step back to admire his work. It had been quite a while since he did this due to his sudden leave for Japan but he was glad he didn't forget how to do [Name]'s hair.

"Thanks..." [Name] whispered quietly as he fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. His stomach started to feel a bit fluttery but it was fine, he was just hungry...right?

At this reaction, Sae let out a breathy chuckle before turning back to the kitchen. "Go to the table. I already made some breakfast so just sit down and wait for me."

[Name] seemed to perk up at that as he gave a happy nod, seemingly back to his normal demeanor. He hasn't eaten any of Sae's homecooked meals in so long!

A giddy smile was on his face as he pulled out a chair to sit down. His gaze was set in the direction of the mini kitchen as he waited for Sae to appear with the food.

Once he did, [Name] couldn't help but glow at the sight. A small hum left his lips as Sae set down the breakfast he made along with their utensils.

"Thank you for the food!" He spoke happily after giving a short prayer. He then proceeded to take his first bite of food before giving a contented smile. Sae merely watched [Name] with a soft look in his eyes before shaking his head to start eating as well.

If one were to describe the scene currently happening, they'd probably say the word 'warmth.' The way the soft morning light fell on [Name]'s face as he remained oblivious to Sae's fond looks made the scene almost look like something out of a book but they don't need to know that.

They're both too idiotic to notice anyways.


If you can't tell, I love Sae. He'd definitely be the type to brush your hair just cuz.

Also, since your looks are based off of kaveh, Sae is kinda like your alhaitham. Do what you will with that fact :)

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