XI: Flowers

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[1 more day before the Neo Egoist League]

"Was it purple? Or white?" An agitated [Name] mumbled to himself as he paced around the mini greenhouse, searching for the perfect flowers to give to his father. His eyes could be seen flickering all over the place as his mind went haywire.

Although he really shouldn't be worrying about stuff like this, he couldn't help but feel a bit frantic at the thought of confronting him again. It's been years since he last saw him considering that he left for Spain when he was 12. Exactly 5 years have passed in a blink of an eye and now he was 17.

As he worried over this in a section that held purple flowers, Sae couldn't help but frown at the sight

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As he worried over this in a section that held purple flowers, Sae couldn't help but frown at the sight. Why was the blonde so worried about his father anyways? Wasn't he-

"Sae! Do you think these look nice?" [Name] asked as he shoved a lilac-colored flower right in front of Sae's face. Flinching back a bit, the redhead sighed as he gently grabbed the flower with one hand while he used the other to grab [Name]'s wrist to slowly bring it down.

"Calm down." He spoke in a neutral yet calming tone. The blonde's eyes went wide for a moment as his shoulders slacked at the words. "I don't get why but you're obviously panicking right now."

Taking a deep breath, [Name] took a moment to reign in his feelings and relax. The moment he was calm enough, he finally managed to look Sae in the eyes. "Right. Sorry." He mumbled quietly to himself, his head turning to the side as he looked away immediately.

"Now that you're at least thinking straight, tell me. What's wrong?" Sae asked with a worried expression on his face. Although it might not be obvious to most people, [Name] could see it just fine. "It's just flowers, so why are you panicking so much?"

"His favorite flowers..." [Name] started softly, his eyebrows furrowing as he bit his lip in guilt. "I can't remember what it was anymore." As simple as the problem might be, the guilt building up within him was huge, so huge that he might just start crying at another moment of inconvenience.

A look of realization seemed to cross Sae's face as he lifted up a comforting hand to place on top of [Name]'s head. This seemed to catch the blonde off guard as he blinked at the ground slowly.

"No matter what you get him, I'm sure he'll like it." Sae started off slowly, not exactly sure what he should say or do in a situation like this. It was always [Name] who did the understanding. "You haven't seen him in years so I'm sure he'll appreciate you visiting him more than what you give him."

Something warm seemed to bloom within [Name]'s chest at that as he gave a slow nod. "Yeah, you're...right..." He whispered.

"When am I not?" Sae spoke in a sarcastic quip, trying to somewhat change the mood into something lighter. Usually, it was the other way around seeing as how [Name] was more in tune with emotions but at times like these, he didn't mind taking over.

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