XX: Final Loser

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"So it all comes down to this..." [Name] huffed as he leaned forward with his hands on top of his knees. After all the running, his hair tie was slightly loose but that was fine. He can fix that after this final round.

The next kick-off was to Bastard Munchen and almost immediately, Sae took possession of the ball as he led the group of players clad in their signature colors of black and red. A lot of players from Manshine fell back accordingly rather than pressing on to somewhat stop the sudden advance.

"This is really...tiring." [Name] mumbled as he took a large step back before immediately running over to his team's goal. While most people were keeping an eye on the person in possession of the ball,  [Name] was willing to take a gamble and head over to the person who should be Sae's target for a pass. 

If ever the person he was thinking of wouldn't be the one the ball goes to, then it would simply serve as him cutting down a few options for a pass. Besides, it was an essential thing to have a lot of foreground when it came to challenging Sae, one needs to be able to see him at all times lest he does something in the background.

Sae is a stubborn person and [Name]'s come to learn about that fact given how long they've known each other. This trait of his also tended to bleed onto his gameplay as well no matter how much he tries to deny it.

So far, the midfielder's bias towards a certain blue-eyed striker in Bastard Munchen didn't go unnoticed by [Name]. If his prediction were right, Sae would keep pushing Isagi to score this last round to determine if the other could live up to his expectations.

Although his intentions are good in the end, it was his stubbornness that makes it seem otherwise. [Name] would know best.

The blonde kept running forward, checking behind him every few seconds to keep an eye on everyone's changing positions before he reached his targeted spot. As he turned around, finally reaching where he needed to be, his eyes widened when a much larger figure loomed in front of him.

"Oh!" [Name] jumped at the sight of the ginger practically staring him down with dead-looking eyes. His eyes flickered around cautiously, still making sure to keep track of the players, as he angled his foot to his left, ready to run to the other side of the field when needed. "Uh, you come here often...?" He tried awkwardly.

The ginger, whose jersey held the name of Kunigami, simply kept staring him down coldly causing [Name] to sweatdrop.

"Tough crowd, huh?" [Name] mumbled blankly before noticing Isagi rushing past other players with a two-on-two play with a single-braided redhead. When Sae had passed the ball, he didn't see, but all that mattered now was the fact that they were advancing closer to Manshine's goal.

While Isagi was a decent striker, [Name] has come to observe that the other positions himself quite close to the goal before deciding to shoot. For an egoist, he doesn't seem to take shots anything less than his shooting range mostly because he probably knows he won't make it.

At this moment, Isagi had just passed the middle line giving [Name] just a few more seconds to move before he knew Isagi would shoot. "I appreciate the company but I need to go-" He attempted to rush to his left swiftly but it seemed like Kunigami predicted that and immediately crossed that path off.

"I won't let you interfere. Your enemy right now is me." The teen declared causing [Name] to give an irked smile, his body feeling antsy at the thought of losing time. He chewed his lips before deciding on a way to get past.

Instead of advancing to the left, he was quick to rush off to the right before circling around Kunigami so he could continue to his original path. The ginger tried to stop him but he missed by an inch, his fingers barely reaching [Name], allowing the blonde striker to start making his move.

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