II: The start of it all

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[Name] had never been interested in sports. 

As a kid, he was never the type to dirty himself because of pointless roughhousing compared to his classmates at school. Instead, he was the type who would rather stay in class and just sit around quietly at his desk.

Although he disliked having to do anything academic-related if he wasn't required to, he'd still take that over running around and getting himself sweaty as most boys do. Most people called him names for not having the same interests as them but it's not like he cared much.

After all, what worth was their words if they couldn't even get double digits in the easiest exams he's ever seen?

Over time, the wanna-be 'popular' kids got bored of picking on him due to his plain reactions allowing [Name] to somewhat have his peaceful alone time back.

Sitting near the front of the class, [Name] had his head rested on his arm as he thought about the food he had packed for lunch later. His mouth drooled just at the thought of his mother's cooking and honestly, why couldn't it just be lunchtime already?!

Thankfully, the god's seemed to respond kindly to his predicament seeing as how their adviser finally walked into the class with his bag in hand. Everyone rose from their seats to give their greetings before slowly sitting back in their chairs.

"Before we start the lesson, I have an announcement to make." Their teacher started as he placed his stuff at the desk on the side. Walking over to the front with a marker in hand, he tapped the board with it to catch everyone's attention.

"As you all know, our football club is the face of this school." The teacher started with a serious voice, his eyes narrowed as he surveyed everyone's expressions. "There's going to be an important tournament coming up for them and while they'd join like usual, almost half of the team is down due to a sickness that got passed around."

Turning to the board, the black-haired male wrote on the board while everyone watch in curiosity.

"Logically, it would be best to just not compete but the principal wouldn't take no for an answer hence why we, teachers, are now assigned to scout for students willing to fill in the missing spots in the team." Sighing, the man finally turned back to the students and put the cap back on the marker. "We don't have all day so if you're interested, just raise your hands, and if not, just keep quiet."

Silence overtook the students as they all stared at the written word on the board. While some boys were whispering to their peers about whether they should join or not, the decision was pretty easy for [Name].

Grabbing a small book in his bag, [Name] was about to place it on his desk when a hand suddenly grabbed it from the back of his seat. "Hey!" He yelled out seeing as his hand was forcefully yanked up with the book.

"Look, sensei! [Name] is volunteering!" The kid that grabbed his book snickered as everyone looked in his direction. True to his words, [Name] was indeed raising his hand but not to volunteer!

"No, wait-" Before he could explain himself, his name was already being written down on the board.

"Anyone else?" The teacher asked as he didn't even give him a second glance. Clenching his teeth, [Name] was quick to give the kid behind him a glare.

"Hayato..." He hissed out through gritted teeth. The brown-haired kid only gave back a smirk as he leaned back into his seat, his mouth moving to give him a mocking 'Good luck'.

"Alright, no one else seems to be interested." Their teacher sighed as he erased his name from the board. Walking over to his desk, the man was quick to grab a piece of paper in order to write something down. 

"Try-outs for the football club are after school so don't even think about leaving early, Satori." [Name] flinched a bit at his family name being called before giving a small nod anyways.

"Yes, sensei."

After a few more seconds of writing, the teacher finally stood up and clapped his hands together, "Alright, time to start our new lesson. Everyone grab your book and turn to page-"

Sighing, [Name] basically did as told with annoyance still bubbling within him. He was so not looking forward to after classes.


Alas, despite how much [Name] forced himself not to think about it too much, the final bell finally rang signaling that all classes were over. He'd usually be ecstatic to hear the sound but not today.


The voice of his teacher had [Name] freezing from where he was fixing his stuff up inside his bag. "Yes, sensei?" His voice was a bit shaky due to nervousness but thankfully, no one really commented on that.

"Hopefully you didn't forget about the try-outs today." The man said as he put his hands in his pockets. At the mention of this, [Name] felt a bitter smile appear on his face as he zipped up his bag.

"No, sir."

"Good. If you're ready, let's go then." Nodding, [Name] was quick to put his backpack on in order to follow the older man. There was an awkward silence between them as they walked through the halls where a few rambunctious kids passed by them every now and then.

"I can tell you don't want to join," The teacher suddenly spoke up after they went down a few flights of stairs. 

"If you could tell then why would you write down my name?" Admittedly, [Name] felt a bit more bitter at his teacher now but he was willing to hear his reasoning.

"Every class in your grade level needs to at least have a person to volunteer and I knew no one else was going to join, so I just wrote your name down to get it over with."

"Seriously??" [Name] let out an incredulous sigh at the awful reason.

"You don't need to do your best if you don't want to join. Just throw the tryouts and get it over with, I'm not requiring you to make it in the team."

That...surprisingly calmed him down a lot more than he expected. Letting a small breath escape his lips, [Name] looked up at the teacher with a playful smile on his face. "Are you sure you just don't expect me to make it?"

"Maybe." The teacher answered without missing a beat.

"Hey!" [Name] pouted a bit at the lack of hesitance in the other's answer. "While I do hate getting myself dirty, that doesn't mean I'm not any good at sports."

"Uhuh, keep deluding yourself, kid."

"I'm telling the truth, old man!"

Suddenly coming to a halt, [Name] nervously blinked at his adviser that was now standing still in front of a door leading to the field. 

"If you're so sure about your skills, then prove it to me." The man tilted his head to look at the kid from the corner of his eyes. "Go out there and show me you aren't lying."

"Hah." [Name] shook his head for falling into the man's obvious trap. "Fine then, I will." He quipped back with a sudden show of confidence.

The teacher said no more words as he opened the door for him. At the gesture, [Name] held onto his backpack strap just a bit tighter while keeping his confident demeanor.

Taking a small step forward, he was about to pass through the doors when his teacher spoke up one more time.

"Hey, kid."

Tilting his head, the blonde kid adjusted his body so he was semi-looking at the teacher. "Hm?"

"Good luck."

And with that, the metal door was shut in his face. While he would've been a bit more offended, [Name] merely felt a small grin bloom on his face.

"Thanks, but I don't need luck."

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