X: Training

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[3 days before the Neo Egoist League]

"It's good to see that you haven't been slacking off," Sae spoke with a hint of satisfaction in his voice as he stepped down on the ball with his left leg. They've been practicing for a couple of hours now yet despite that, Sae still managed to look unbothered and pristine.

[Name] on the other hand had a few beads of sweat running down his face as he caught his breath. Both hands of his were placed on his waist as he had his head leaned back and looked at the tall ceiling of the training facility they were currently in.

"Who do you take me for?" The blonde scoffed as he brought his head down to stare at his partner. An amused grin could be seen on his face while his eyes narrowed down to emphasize his point. "Captain would kill me if I stopped training just because you weren't there." He grumbled.

Despite [Name]'s sudden rants, Sae could only find himself nodding wordlessly as he let the words go inside one ear and out the other. As much as he wanted to focus on whatever the other was saying, all he could focus on was his face.

'Had he always been this expressive?' He thought to himself as he watched the animated expressions [Name] was unconsciously pulling off as he continued whatever tale he had to tell. It was honestly quite endearing, in Sae's opinion.

Letting out a low hum, he walked past the still chattering blonde to grab one of the water bottles on the bench along with a towel folded neatly beside it. With precision, he threw the towel onto [Name]'s face, effectively shutting him up for a second.

"What-" [Name] seemed to blink in confusion as he stood still for a moment, the towel that was thrown at him now comedically hanging on his head and down his face. "Did you really need to throw that at me?" He whined as he grabbed the towel off of his head and started to wipe his face.

"You wouldn't shut up," Sae spoke plainly as he now used his free hand to grab the second water bottle on the bench. Walking over to where [Name] was, then proceeded to hand the bottle in his direction. "Here. You did well today." 

[Name] gave a bright grin at those words as he gratefully grabbed the bottle from the other's hand. Popping the lid off, he was quick to chug the water down happily in order to cool off.

Sae was about to do the same exact thing only to somewhat get distracted as he kept his eyes glued onto [Name]'s figure

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Sae was about to do the same exact thing only to somewhat get distracted as he kept his eyes glued onto [Name]'s figure. Although his sweat was mostly wiped off, there were still a few pieces of hair that stuck to his forehead and neck.

An idea seemed to pop into his head as he turned around to walk over to the bench and put his bottle down. Drinking could wait, he thought as he opened the small training bag he brought and took out a hairbrush and a hair tie.

"If you're done drinking, come sit down."

[Name] seemed to perk up at those words as he closed the cap of his bottle. Shrugging, he complied without any questions as he sat on the bench right beside Sae.

The midfielder was quick to go behind the other as he started brushing through the little knots that had formed throughout their little training session of the day. [Name] relaxed immediately at the gentleness of Sae's fingers as he took the time to untangle each knot by hand.

For some reason, the redhead has been taking up every chance he could to touch his hair and although he didn't mind it at all, he couldn't help but slightly question the behavior. Was his hair really that amusing? Or did Sae just miss doing his hair after being away for so long?

Letting out a quiet laugh escape his lips, he shook off his momentary thought in favor of closing his eyes and leaning more into the touch. Knowing Sae, he was probably just annoyed with how messy his hair always looked.

There was no way the cold midfielder of Real Madrid would ever find comfort in something as stupid as playing with his hair....right?

A few moments of nothing but silence passed between them as Sae finished fixing up [Name]'s hair. Honestly, he was very glad he did because the moment it was out of his face, he instantly felt cooled down.

"Thanks." [Name] spoke the moment he felt Sae retract his hands away from his hair. His feet swayed happily on the bench as a tiny smile bloomed on his face.

Sae's eyes softened a bit at the sight as he let his hands fall to his side

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Sae's eyes softened a bit at the sight as he let his hands fall to his side. He couldn't help but find it unfair how a person could be so....beautiful. Whatever higher power that existed must have had favorites because there was just no way someone could be this pretty without trying.

With hair almost seemingly made out of golden threads, each strand handled with great care, paired along with eyes made out of the finest rubies the earth could give, and a smile brighter than any diamond that existed. 

It was almost as if a single person held all of the riches the world had to offer and god, Sae would stop at nothing to preserve that beauty, even at the cost of staining his own hands with the filth this world held.

"Are you okay?" [Name] asked curiously as he looked at Sae, as he did so, a small part of his bangs fell onto his face softly, perfectly framing his already flawless face.

The call seemed to snap the midfielder out of his thoughts as he took a deep breath to shake away whatever he was thinking. "It's...nothing." He sighed as he packed the brush he still held along with the towels they used. "Let's get going."

[Name] stared at Sae in confusion for a few more seconds before eventually nodding. He stood up wordlessly with a stretch with a tiny yawn leaving his lips before putting away the things they borrowed during their training.

As Sae fixed their own personal items, he couldn't help but notice the particular parchedness of his own mouth. 

He really should have taken a drink first.


Someone's thirsty lmaooo (I get it)

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