XVII: First Match

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The New Generation World 11 was a title bestowed upon a chosen group of youth players who were rising steadily to becoming the next set of football superstars. In other terms, they were teens who held unparalleled skills in their own field and, in turn, became regarded as some form of Gods in the football world.

That was the simple way to see things but like usual, there is always a group of players that tend to get overshadowed by these so-called "World 11" players. Some people call them the hidden trump cards, the forgotten gems, but for these players, they were nothing but the final losers playing a game with enemies that didn't even know they were playing.

They were the players who tried their hardest yet always manages to fall short in the end. In the bleak world of always falling second next to the World 11, they began to reckon themselves with a new title.

The Uncrowned Kings.

Because who were they but greedy humans, wanting to be hailed as a God? 

All starting players of Bastard Munchen and Manshine City stood on the indoor field and stretched lightly, warming up their bodies to ensure they wouldn't strain anything during the match. While this game would be quite similar to when they started the NEL and fought against each other, something else in the air made things a bit more tense than usual.

Despite only getting two more additional members to this entire thing, it was still a pretty big deal considering who they were and what possibilities they could open up. Both Sae and Kaiser were part of the New Generation World XI and many viewers were expecting tons of high-level performances for this match-up.

It wasn't that common for these types of players to go against each other, let alone work with each other, making it a pretty big deal. Another thing the avid fans were looking forward to was how [Name] would fare with going against his partner on the field along with Kaiser.

There was a lot of controversy going around about how [Name] should've been part of the World's XI as well but considering how Kaiser was more well-known and was introduced to the worldwide media earlier than him, he never made it in the group.

Speaking of [Name], Sae's eyes turned towards the blonde stretching by himself in a corner of the field. For someone usually so boisterous outside the field, he starts becoming quiet whenever they have a game. It was a quirk the midfielder had come to notice that the other had over the years that they'd known each other.

His legs twitched to walk over to the other and talk to him but he knew [Name] to understand that the other preferred silence with his thoughts before a match started. Sighing, he turns around to observe his members instead.

The split factions in Bastard Munchen were obvious as the Blue Lock players settled on one side while the German players grouped up on the other. He could see Ness and Kaiser having a silent conversation while the starting players in Blue Lock unconsciously surrounded Isagi as they did their warm-ups.

Between the two groups, it was obvious which one Sae would approach.

"Oh, Sae-san!" Isagi perked up as he saw the cold midfielder approach their group. The others merely glanced at Sae and acted unbothered but it was obvious they held some sort of reservation against him. "Let's play well today," Isagi spoke again, trying to ease up the tense air as he offered a friendly handshake.

Sae remained quiet at the words as he eyed the hand outstretched towards him. Isagi waited nervously about whether Sae would accept before feeling a hand give his head a gentle ruffle. "Play your best and don't disappoint me, striker," Sae responded coolly as he let his hand drop to his side.

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