XIV: Pillows

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"So soft..." Chigiri murmured in amazement as he kneeled peacefully behind [Name], his hands tangled in between golden locks as he gently dried the other's hair and unknotted each and every tangle.

They had just finished taking a shower and while [Name] was perfectly capable of tending to his own hair, Chigiri had insisted on doing it for him instead. Sure it was a bit surprising at first but he eventually allowed the other considering how excited he had looked.

"Are they really?" [Name] mumbled curiously as he tilted his head upwards in order to take a glance at the redhead behind him. As far as he knew, his hair had always felt the same so he didn't think they were that soft.

"Yeah! They smell good too..." Chigiri's eyes were practically shining as he kept his hands buried inside [Name]'s hair. It was as if the man had just struck gold while digging in the dirty soil for hours. "Reo come over here!"

Looking up from his phone, the heir looked at the duo curiously before doing as told. He had been sitting beside Nagi during the whole ordeal so he was a bit clueless as to why he was being called over.

"Touch [Name]'s hair, quickly!" The request had Reo shocked for a moment as he immediately turned his gaze over to the blonde sitting in content between Chigiri's legs. As soon as he did so, their eyes met and he couldn't help but feel his face flush at the soft smile given to him.

"Wha- Why would I even do that?!" Reo asked in a rushed tone as he forced himself to look away and instead look at his friend

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"Wha- Why would I even do that?!" Reo asked in a rushed tone as he forced himself to look away and instead look at his friend. Let it be known that despite his dignified image, Reo was still human and had his fair share of weaknesses when it came to people with certain traits.

At the top of the list were people good at football, stupidly pretty people sat in the second spot while numbers three and four were just a bright smile and a nice laugh. It just so happened that [Name] ticked all of those boxes and it wasn't doing any good for Reo's heart.

"Stop asking questions and just do it already!" Chigiri nagged as he scrunched his face at Reo from where he sat. It seems he didn't quite understand why Reo was hesitating. He's done this before with other people before, so why's he being so timid now?

"I- fine." The heir relented as he slowly turned his gaze back towards [Name] who seems to be watching their conversation with an amused expression. "Can I..?" He asked gradually as he hovers a hand near the crown of the other's head.

A small laugh was the answer he received before a nod that soon followed after. "Go ahead." His voice sounded absolutely heavenly in Reo's ears and goddammit, he needs to calm down before he starts malfunctioning from how flustered he was feeling.

Taking a deep breath, he lets one of his hands tangle itself into golden strands of hair and honestly, he couldn't help but be fascinated as his hands seamlessly pass through. It was pleasant to the touch and felt a bit cool considering how it was still in the process of drying.

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