VI: Enchanting

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"And with that, the match has been won by-"

[Name] seemed to tune out the rest of the announcement as he looked at his captain from the corner of his eyes. He looked focused as he observed one of the winning teams of the third round in nationals.

"So they're the team we're going up against tomorrow, hm..." Haizaki hummed as he thought over the vital points and weaknesses he's observed in the team. [Name] seemed to notice though seeing as how he's gotten used to the other's behavior.

Seeing as how their team won their own match in the third round, they get to move on to the quarter-finals tomorrow. While any normal team would've been ecstatic, he had already expected this outcome.

"Have you noticed anything interesting about them?" [Name] asked as he leaned on the railing of the stand. His eyes looked bored as he watched the members celebrating their win.

"Lots." Haizaki gave a small cunning smirk as he shoved his hands inside his pockets. While their captain might look like a delinquent, he was actually quite smart and observant. "We'll be able to exploit their weaknesses and win easily."

"That's good then." The blonde hummed thoughtfully before he stood up properly and stretched. "Can I go roam around the place now?"

Most of their team had already looked around the place or bought food from random stalls after the opening ceremony. The only ones left to observe their opponents for the next day were none other than [Name] and Haizaki.

Haizaki was the one who does most of the planning while [Name] gets dragged along by him to talk about certain moves they could try in the match. They made quite the fearsome duo seeing as how the former had the brain to create plays while the latter had the skills to execute them.

"Sure but don't wander off too far," Haizaki spoke calmly as his eyes never left the field in front of them. "Also, try to check around for any strong opponents we might encounter."

"Aye, aye captain." [Name] gave a faux salute as he turned around to leave his captain alone. He was quick to maneuver himself through the small crowd easily before finally making out.

Immediately, he saw multiple stands set up all around the place the matches were in. That was to be expected though since there would be many people watching along with a few reporters roaming around the place in search of a rising talent.

"I wonder what I should get..." [Name] hummed as he looked around. He didn't bring much money and although he knew everyone on the team would be willing to treat him or get him something, he didn't want to overspend his budget or be in debt to anyone.

He was debating over two things at the moment. He could either get multiple keychains so he can give his teammates and friends some as well or he could buy a shirt with a nice print along with one keychain.

Walking a bit further into the pathway the stalls have made, [Name] saw a cute shirt and immediately fell in love. Looks like he's buying a shirt for himself. 

Rushing over to the stall, he reached out to grab the remaining copy of that shirt only to bump into a hand already reaching for it as well. A small frown displayed on his face at that as he turned to look at the person next to him.

He was just about ready to fight anyone for it before his eyes fell on the pretty redhead also looking at him with a frown.

'A girl?!' [Name]'s eyes were a bit wide in shock as he stood there frozen in place, seemingly admiring the other's beauty. Unbeknownst to him, the other person was thinking the same thing.

"Ah, you can have that if you want..." [Name] spoke awkwardly as he took a step back away from the stall and the stranger. "Sorry, miss..."

"I'm not a girl." A very masculine voice came out of the pretty stranger and [Name] couldn't help but freeze in shock. His lips hung open awkwardly as he blinked like an absolute idiot.

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