V: A loss for A gain

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Satori [Name] was approximately 9 years old when he first received publicity regarding his skills in football.

It was after their match against the school they were seeded with. Having scored the final goal, most of his teammates were quick to surround and tackle him with bright grins.

"You never fail to shock us, huh boy genius?" Chiro, one of his seniors, gave his hair a harsh ruffle as he grinned.

"Please stop." [Name] was quick to whine and pull away seeing as how the other was both sweaty and ruining his hair.

"Aw c'mon, [Name]-kun!" Despite his clear annoyance, the other was quick to follow him in order to show his 'love' and 'affection'. Platonically.

"Captain!" [Name] cried out as he hid behind the maroon-haired teen's figure. A small unnoticeable twitch appeared in his eye as he stopped drinking the water in his bottle.

"Chiro," He gave a small warning as he stared his classmate down. Just like a dog to it's master, Chiro was quick to stop on his feet and calm down. A pout played on his lips as some sort of guilt tripping method towards the other but he merely looked away with a sigh.

"Haizaki's so mean!"

A small huff escaped [Name]'s lips as he watched Chiro start chasing after their captain that's now walking away. While he wanted to feel bad for the other, it was better him than himself.

Lifting a hand up to his hair, he wanted to pat it down and fix it until someone gave him a tap on the shoulder. Looking behind him, he was met with a professional looking woman accompanied by a man holding a giant camera.

Ha gave both of them a puzzled look before settling on the female holding a microphone.

"You're Satori [Name], right?" The female he now recognized as a reporter asked him with a smile so obviously fake that it almost made him laugh. Unfortunately, a camera was directed at his face and be didn't want to be caught doing something that'll have lasting effects.

God knows how many people regret doing things that were caught on camera.

"Yes, I am. Can I help you?" He tried his best to keep his voice neutral but he was pretty sure a heavy amount of suspicion seeped into his voice.

"I just wanted to ask how you felt when scoring that last goal." The female continued on with that smile of hers and honestly, it was quite impressive because if it were him, he'd have folded a long time ago. "It was truly a one of a kind shot! Such a high level play must've came from lots of practicing on your part."

[Name] wanted to raise a brow at the question because honestly, he was quite lost. I mean where exactly is she going with this? Nevertheless, he suppose he'll humor her just a bit.

Putting on a humble smile, [Name] tilted his head causing his hair to sway slightly to the side. "Calling it one of a kind is a bit too much," He gave an awkward laugh to seal the deal. "It wasn't that hard to pull off, I just went with my instincts and boom! It went in the goal."

So much for humble. Internally, he couldn't help but grimace at how egotistical he sounded. Hopefully no one thinks that way too.

"As expected of Japan's next rising star!"

Excuse me, what?

"Japan's next rising....star?" [Name] blinked dumbly at the reported as he raised a finger to point at himself. The woman merely let out a small laugh as she nodded her head.

"Of course! Surely you've read the articles, right?"

Shaking his head, [Name] genuinely had no idea what this lady was talking about. Japan's next rising star? Him?

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