VII: The letter

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After a week of fighting for the top spot in Nationals, their team managed to come out victorious in the end. Naturally, the ride back was a silent one seeing as how exhausted everyone was from giving it their all in the final game.

Despite being one of the main players on the starting lineup, [Name] found himself unable to go to sleep despite the deep tiredness seeping within his body. It was one of those times when his mind would be too plagued with thoughts to rest.

Today is the last they he'll be able to play with this team in an official match. Middle school was ending soon and most of the seniors would be off to their dream high school.

Although he could technically continue soccer until he graduates, it just wouldn't feel the same without them. Without Haizaki, without Chiro, and everyone else leaving the team.

A small sigh escaped [Name]'s lips as he shuffled within his seat. The team jacket he wore dropped around him like a blanket along with another jacket one of his teammates oh so graciously chucked at him.

It's not like he liked soccer like most of the opponents he's come to face. He didn't have the same drive or passion for it as they did. He didn't want to make his whole career or life to revolve around the sport.

And with that thought, it should be the perfect time to quit the sport, right? It's not like he wanted this in the first place. All he needed to do now was tell his parents later and sort it all out with his coach tomorrow...yeah, that should be good. 

With one more sigh, he shifted in his seat one final time before forcing his eyes shut. It was still a long way before they reach their school so he might as well spend it sleeping. There was no way he'd let himself stay up for hours with nothing but his thoughts.

That would be a recipe for disaster.

Grabbing his phone and his earphones, he was quick to switch on a random playlist to sleep to with the hopes that it might help him.

It didn't.

It was a playlist with Mitski and Taylor Swift songs in it.


The walk back home was just as quiet as the drive on the bus. His house wasn't that far from his school so he could easily get there after a few minutes. 

While he knows he could definitely ask one of his parents to pick him up, he didn't have the heart to do it. He knew how busy his parents were and that they rarely get any rest so for him to bother them when they should be resting screamed at his conscience.

A deep breath escaped his lips as he craned his head to look up at the dark sky that was now filled up to the brim with twinkling stars. A cold breeze passed by him as he did so causing a shiver to go down his spine.

He needed to hurry up but for some reason, he didn't want to walk any faster. Just being able to walk alone with only the bright moon and its stars as his company gave him a small sense of peace, a sense of tranquility.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end as he eventually reached the front door of his home.

"I'm home." [Name]'s voice echoed into the now darkly lit living room of his house. It was to be expected after all, seeing as how late it was already. His parents must be sleeping already.

Slipping off his shoes, [Name] shrugged his jacket off and quietly turned on the lights.

"Welcome home!"

His father greeted him immediately with a big hug. [Name]'s eyes went wide for a few seconds before he reciprocated the hug and buried his face in the crook of his father's neck.

He didn't know why but he felt like he wanted to cry.

"There's our little superstar!" The next to greet him was the soft tone of his mother's voice as she walked out of the kitchen holding a small cake. His eyes widened once more causing his mother to giggle at him quietly. "We know it's late but we wanted to wait for you!"

"C'mon, kiddo!" His father laughed as well as he stood up from their embrace and ruffled his head like he always does. "Your mother made you something."

Despite still being a bit stunned, [Name] managed to give a small nod as he sluggishly followed his parents into the kitchen. His mind hasn't watched up yet to what was happening.

Somehow, he found himself already sitting down with his parents at the table and having a 'Late night snack.' The conversations were lighthearted and [Name] couldn't help but bask in the rare warmth he felt.

"Oh, right!" His mother suddenly exclaimed with an excited clap of her hands. She then stood up as she and his father exchanged excited glances. "There was a note that came for you earlier."

Grabbing something quickly from another room, his mother eventually came back and handed him a note that looks like it's already been opened. He raised an eyebrow at this fact but didn't bother questioning it as he chose to open the note within.

His eyes scanned over the words and he felt his mood slowly dimming. It was an invitation to play for Real Madrid's Youth Team.

"Oh, wow..." His voice held a bit of dryness as his smile slowly became strained. He didn't want to look up, he couldn't do it with the knowledge of what would greet him.

"Aren't you excited?!" His mother asked in a cheerful tone and he could barely suppress a wince at the thought of how happy she must've been.

God, how does he tell them that he wants to quit soccer now?

"I can't believe our little superstar is abroad!" His father chimed in causing [Name] to look down even more in his seat. He chewed his lips nervously as his mind whirled with the things he wanted to say but couldn't.

So this is why they were acting extra nice tonight...he really should've expected something like this from them.

"Right..." He eventually replied with gritted teeth. "I'm gonna go freshen up and head to bed. I'm tired."

Laughs came out of his parent's lips as they both ushered him up to his room, saying stuff like 'How he's worked so hard' and how they'll 'Take care of everything down here.'

Climbing up the stairs, [Name] rubbed his eyes tiredly once he reached the top. Guilt flooded him as he stayed still for a  few seconds. It seems like he's got no choice now.

His father has always wanted to play soccer when he was a child. That's why to deny this major opportunity in front of someone who'd kill to get it himself as a child, he knew his father would resent him.

Even though he'll never show it, his father would harbor some negative feelings against him and god knows he doesn't want that at all. His father was his hero so just the thought of him hating him broke his heart.

With one more sigh, [Name] aggressively ruffled his hair in frustration. He quickly marched up to his room and closed his door, before flopping on his bed and letting out a mini tantrum.

It seems like he's got no choice now.

Turning over to his back, [Name] laid there on his bed for a second and just stared at his ceiling quietly. Looks like Spain will have to watch out for a future star in Soccer.

But before that, he seriously needs to go have a change of clothes, and maybe a hot shower, and definitely a long nap.


Goddamn, 2 (technically 3-) updates in a night??? No wayyyyy

Anyways, this was the part I was stuck on lmao. This chapter and how [Name] gets the letter had another scenario to it but I spun a wheel and it chose, yay!

I'm excited for the next chapter 😏

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