XIII: Their Appearance (2)

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"Real Madrid."

As he finished off his words, the giant automatic doors leading to the room immediately opened with a dramatic sound. Everyone turned in the direction of the door with anticipation seeing as how footsteps are now more audible.

It didn't take long until two people wearing the signature red jacket of Real Madrid arrived but what really caught everyone's attention was the familiar redhead eyeing the room in a disinterested manner.

"Itoshi... Sae." Isagi barely managed to utter out the man's name until a pair of red eyes locked into his. An electrifying shiver immediately went down his spine at the intensity of the look being given to him.

"Oh my, you sure gave them a lasting impression, huh, Sae?" The person with shining blonde hair cooed in perfect Japanese causing a few people to narrow their eyes. Sure, they wore a translation device but unlike the foreigners they'd talked to, this person was obviously speaking their mother tongue.

Sae merely clicked his tongue as he turned his head to the side. "It's not my fault that they're so bad to the point that they'll be impressed by anything remotely cool looking."

A laugh seemed to escape the pretty man as he looked at Sae with much amusement shining in his eyes. To be honest, Isagi can't help but be reminded of another duo based on their interactions.

All the egoists in Blue Lock along with the foreigner teams could only stare at the new group with hesitance in their eyes. While they were all confident in the skills they had, they couldn't help but be intimidated just a bit by the air around the players of Real Madrid.

Well, almost everyone.

Taking a few steps forward, Michael Kaiser was quick to walk ahead of the group with an unusually serious look on his face. This action seemed to have caught other people off guard but they weren't really surprised.

Just before anyone knew it, Kaiser was standing right in front of Sae as both World 11 players displayed a casual sense of cockiness and stared each other down. Their postures were confident yet relaxed as they eyed one another.

"So you've finally decided to show up, eh?" Kaiser taunted with that annoying smirk of his causing Isagi to twitch in annoyance just at the thought of it. Unfortunately, Sae seemed to be a better man than the blue-eyed striker as he only stared at the German blonde with a neutral look.

"They wouldn't stop pestering me, it was getting annoying." Sae was quick to dismiss the statement with his answer but over in the back, Rin knew his brother was irked by Kaiser, and with the look of things, the German ace probably knew too.

"Hah~" Kaiser let out a dramatic sigh as he shook his head. "You're still the same as ever, I suppose. Plain and boring."

A few people seemed to gape at how the man easily insulted the best midfielders there is. While they knew Kaiser was in a league of his own seeing as how he was the best striker right below Noel Noa himself, they still couldn't help but eye him wearily. Hell, even Ness, who managed to migrate next to Kaiser, was eyeing the man in worry, or at least, what they think was worry.

"I really don't appreciate your choice of words when it comes to my midfielder." [Name] moved from behind Sae and instead stood next to him causing Kaiser's attention to shift. A bright grin appeared on the male at the sight of Ace from Madrid.

"[Name]-" Kaiser brought his hands up for a hug only to be ignored as [Name] walked past the prodigy player and instead turned to look at Ness. "Lexi!" The nickname flowed easily from his lips as he embraced the midfielder that usually followed Kaiser around without complaints.

"Ah, [Name]!" Ness yelled in a panic as he barely caught the long-haired striker in his arms. A small blush could be seen coating his cheeks as the duo embraced after a long time of not seeing each other due to their busy schedules and lack of practice matches between their teams.

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