III: A new friend

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For a sports club that's pretty well known in their school, [Name] was a bit surprised that there weren't more people participating in the tryouts. There should be around 5, maybe even 6 students based on what he was seeing. They were all huddled up closely so it was pretty hard to tell.

"Is this the place for the football tryouts?" [Name] had asked the closest person he saw wearing the team's signature jacket. The person he had asked stared at him up and down before giving him a muted nod.

"It is. You can wait over there with the rest while we figure out what to do for your tryouts." That didn't sound too assuring at all seeing as the main players didn't even know what to do. But then again, this wasn't his problem, was it? All he had to do was follow whatever the fuck they come up with and say he 'did his best' and never talk about it ever again.

A good plan, truly.

Staring up at the taller male, [Name] gave back an understanding nod before awkwardly approaching the other kids that were huddling on the side. Their stares at his figure were quite obvious but they didn't make any attempts in talking to him and that was fine. 

Although he didn't mind if someone were to talk to him, there was still no way you'd catch him taking the initiative in starting a conversation. That's just too awkward.

Kicking his feet on the ground, [Name] stared boredly at the sky as he waited for what felt like an eternity. He might be considered a patient kid but that never meant he actually liked waiting. The only reason he had no problem waiting before is that in most situations, he at least had a pen and paper to amuse himself.

"A-are you here for the tryouts too..?" 

Glancing to the side, [Name] saw a meek-looking brunette eyeing him with a shy smile. He stared at the other for a hot second before remembering he actually had to reply.

"Ah, yeah." He ended up answering with a tiny nod, his voice showcasing his obvious boredom. "Although I'm mostly here because I was forced to."

"I see." The kid looked around awkwardly as he wondered what else to say to keep the conversation going. "Have you played football before?"

"Hm, not really. I don't really like playing sports that much." [Name] spoke casually, unaware of the shock on the other's face.

"Eh?! Then how are you going to play if you don't even know the rules? Or anything for that matter?!" The kid whisper-yelled at him causing [Name] to grow a slightly irked expression. I mean, why is he more panicked about this than him anyways?

"I mean all you have to do is score right? It's the same for all ball-oriented sports." [Name] plainly said as he tilted his head at the other. 

"I mean that's technically true...but still! It's easier said than done!"

Crossing his arms, the blonde kid shrugged his shoulders. "It's not like I'm aiming to join the team anyways. I just want to get this all over with so I can finally go home." 

"If you say so..." The kid's voice was still uncertain as he looked away and honestly, [Name] thought that was the end of their conversation. That is until the other started to speak again.

"I'm Nishida Kioshi by the way! But Kioshi is fine!" The now-introduced kid stuck out a shy hand in [Name]'s direction. Raising a brow, [Name] stared at the outstretched hand curiously.

After a couple of seconds, Kioshi seemed to slowly retreat the hand seeing as how the other had no intention of shaking it. 

"Ahaha- Just ignore that!" He cried out awkwardly as he felt heat coat his cheeks in embarrassment. I did not just stick my hand out for a handshake! I should've gone for a fist bump or something T^T.

Snickering, [Name] pulled the other's hand back before slipping his hand within the other's to shake it. "Nice to meet you I suppose. I'm Satori [Name] but [Name]'s alright."

Kioshi's cheeks seemed to redden even more but not out of embarrassment as he stared at their conjoined hands with sparkles in his eyes. A new friend!

"Nice to meet you too!" 

As Kioshi started to shake their hands aggressively out of excitement, the sudden sound of a whistle being blown was quick to stop him.

"Alright, everyone listen up!"

Looking over to the front, they all saw the coach standing confidently with both his hands on his hips and his head held high. The regular players on the team could also be seen behind the coach with unamused looks on their faces.

Blinking up at the older man, [Name] turned back towards the brunette beside him and expected him to let go of his hand only to be shocked when the other pulled him closer to where the coach stood.

After stumbling a bit, he managed to match Kioshi's pace and not fall on his face. All the other kids beside them seemed to follow their leads as they too lined up in front of the coach.

"After much thinking, I have decided to assess you all in two ways. In the first phase, we'll be checking for your physical abilities like speed, flexibility, endurance, and whatnot. As for the second part..."

Most of the students leaned in due to suspense after the coach made his dramatic pause. [Name] on the other hand though couldn't help but raise a brow though because seriously, why couldn't he just finish his sentence like a normal person?

"It's a surprise!"

"Eh?!" The kids, and even the ones on the starting team, yelled in shock as they stared at the grinning coach. 

'Seriously? All that dramatics just for you not to explain?' [Name] held a blank look on his face as he tried to cross his arms. Unfortunately for him though, he seemed to have forgotten that his hand was currently taken captive by another kid. Just when is he planning to let my hand go?

Clapping his hands loudly, the coach quickly cut through everyone's thoughts allowing him to gain all their attention back. "Everyone form a line! We'll be checking for speed first!"

"Yes, coach..... uhm...." Every kid that was here for tryouts looked amongst themselves awkwardly as they waited for someone to yell out the teacher's name. Sensing the reason for everyone's sudden quietness, a small tick mark appeared on the coach's face.

"My name is Nakamura! Now get moving, you brats!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Use my name!"

"Yes, Namakura-sensei!"


I both know and don't know where I'm going with this so you'll just have to trust the process with me :)

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