XVI: Lunch disaster

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"Well, you guys sure are having fun." [Name] commented through gritted teeth as his cool eyes scanned over the scene before him. On one side of the table sat a laughing Kaiser with Ness desperately trying to get him to calm down so he doesn't fall to the floor. On the other side sat a slightly irked Sae with some...guy trying to sit on his lap.

A table over sat a few Blue Lock members from Bastard München but they weren't important at the moment. What truly had [Name] seeing red was the fact that some nobodyehem—someone was being so touchy-feely with his dear old partner.

"[Name]." Sae was the first to greet him as usual, successfully catching the attention of the other residents at the table. Kaiser, who was trying to calm down, quickly shut up as he realized just what might go down.

"It's not what it looks like?" For some reason, it was Ness trying to dispel the situation but with a quick shake of not only Kaiser but also the Manshine trio's head from behind [Name], he was quick to mind his own business and just watch what might transpire.

"Ohoho~ Who do we have here?" Shidou's eyes seemed to squint just a bit as he stood up from where he was previously latching onto Sae. 

"And why should I answer you?" [Name] replied smoothly as he kept his composure. His stance was straight and his arms were crossed as he kept an even stare on the approaching Blue Lock player. 

The response seemed to bring a smirk on Shidou's features as he kept his slow approach. "Isn't it normal manners to introduce yourself? Unless of course, you're all face and no brain, pretty boy." He mocked as he lifted his hands up beside him dramatically.

[Name] merely ignored the obvious attempt to get under his skin. "Really now? But isn't it normal courtesy not to throw yourself on another man like a whor-"

Ego was quick to shut off the scene's live audio before he got sued for indecent content and defamation.

Everyone who heard was absolutely gobsmacked as they could only stare at the two blondes facing off with a gaping mouth. For someone so cheerful and charismatic the other day, they didn't think [Name] would be able to insult someone without batting an eye.

"Ha?" Shidou's smile seemed to drop quickly at the remark as he brought his face mockingly close to the other. Despite the dark stare, [Name] didn't budge one bit from his stance as he stared the other down with just as much intensity.

Anyone with eyes, Yukimiya aside, could easily see the growing tension between the two. Sae seemed to frown slightly at the sight as he debated on whether he should do something soon or not. Who knows what might happen if this goes on any longer?

Just as he was about to stand up, Shidou seemed to start laughing. What was unusual though is that wasn't his usual maniacal laugh or even his angered one, this one sounded amused and could even be considered light-hearted by some.

The onlookers were confused and so was [Name] as he looked at the taller teen in front of him as though he had just lost his mind. Despite the looks he knew he was getting, Shidou continued to laugh his heart out before eventually stopping and wiping an imaginary tear on his face.

"Man, you're fun!" Shidou yelled as slung an arm around [Name]'s shoulder, catching him a bit off-guard.

"What the hell-"

"I can totally see why Sae would stick around you." Shidou continued his rambling with a toothy grin as if they weren't about to throw hands against each other just moments ago. "You sure know how to get a person's blood pumping!"

[Name]'s eyes narrowed a bit at this guy's peculiar behavior before eventually sighing and shaking his head. "You're weird, you know that right?"

"Loud and proud, buttercup!"

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