XIX: Best interest

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With both teams now tied up with a score of 1-1, the tension turns up a notch as the respective international aces in each team along with their Egoists square up with one another.

"I forgot how annoying that Kaiser Impact of his was." [Name] mumbled to himself as he tapped his foot on the ground. His arms were crossed against his chest as he began to think of his next course of action.

There was no timer in these NEL matches considering the length of the matches was based on who could get to three points first. He couldn't tell how long they'd been playing. Sure he could guess but his perception of time always did suck.

"He's on a different league of his own, isn't he?"

[Name] turned to look at the source of the voice and saw Agi, one of the starting players of Manshine City, standing near him. He wasn't too familiar with the members of Manshine before this whole Blue Lock thing but he at least knew enough about the members considering how they were also an international team.

The blonde remained quiet, not entirely sure whether this was something to be answered or if it was a rhetorical question.

"It's not that surprising though considering he's the top contender of becoming the next Number One striker right after Noel Noa."

[Name] already knew that much, he's seen enough articles about Kaiser whenever he scrolled through anything remotely Football-related. What he didn't understand though was why this guy was telling him all this.

"Yes, so I've heard." He finally decided to speak up just for the sake of trying to relieve the awkwardness he was currently feeling about this conversation. "Why are you bringing this up exactly...?"

"You're a pretty great striker yourself." Agi suddenly said, causing [Name] to both be flattered and suspicious.

"Thank you?" He was a lot more confused now. His eyes read that he wanted to know why he was saying this but Agi merely shrugged.

"There's a look in your eyes that I can't explain." Agi's unblinking eyes narrowed down as he observed [Name]'s face, causing the latter to back up a bit. "It told me that you probably needed to hear something like that even though it's not obvious."

[Name] couldn't help but feel a bit speechless before an amused sigh left his lips. "I see," His mood seemed to grow brighter at the explanation as he grinned at the other.

"Thanks, Agi." He repeated with much more sincerity and appreciation this time.

" He repeated with much more sincerity and appreciation this time

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Agi reciprocated the smile before nodding. "Anytime," And with that, he went ahead to his post.

The next kickoff started with Manshine once more considering how Bastard Munchen scored the goal last time.

The ball was passed around in a high-paced manner by those in Manshine, allowing them to weave through a few of the defenders from the other team.

"Chigiri!" One of the members called before sending the ball to the redhead's feet.

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