VIII: Back home

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[One week before the Neo Egoist League]

"Wahh!" [Name] breathed out happily as he ran out of the airport with his luggage in hand. It's been so long since he last came back to Japan so his excitement was quite understandable.

Tons of people looked back to give him stares but he didn't mind it at all. The summer hat paired with the black sunglasses on his face were doing a great job of hiding his features from the watchful eye of the public.

"Please, wait up!" Marco, his manager, huffed in a panic as he ran quickly to catch up with the blonde. At the sound of this, [Name] seemed to skid to a halt as he gave his manager a sheepish smile, seemingly forgetting about the fact that he came here with someone else.

"Oops, sorry..." [Name] gave a small laugh as he looked over his shoulder to give his manager a peace sign. Marco seemed to grumble at this before sighing and shaking his head, he can never stay mad at him for too long and it seems like the blonde was taking full advantage of this.

"It's fine," Marco mumbled in defeat as he ran a hand through his curly dark-brown hair. As he did that, his eyes seemed to look at something behind [Name].

"It seems like our ride is here." Marco chuckled in amusement as he let his hand fall to his side. True to his words, a car was now parked right in front of them.

"Oh, nice!" [Name] grinned as he saw the cool-looking car. Just as he was about to open the door, a familiar voice called out to him from the other side.

"You look ridiculous."

[Name]'s eyes widened as he immediately lifted his head up only to meet Sae's piercing teal eyes coming out of the car's driver seat. The blonde remained frozen with his mouth hung open in shock at the sight of the midfielder.

"You- Sae!" He had a finger pointed at his partner as he turned behind him to give Marco a look, as if silently asking him if this was real or if it was just him hallucinating due to not seeing Sae after so long.

As if reading his mind, Sae gave a sigh and rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'm real."

That seemed to be the only confirmation [Name] needed before he immediately let go of his luggage to run and lunge at the man.

"SAE!!"He cried out with his arms spread wide.

Unlike the emotional reunion he was expecting, his asshole of a midfielder stepped to the side, leaving him to hug nothing but air. Stumbling on his feet, he was about to fall to the ground when a hand gripped the back of his shirt, causing him to just hang there.

"Still an idiot as ever." Sae shook his head in disappointment as he gave him a small side glance.

"Geez, so good to see you too after so long." [Name] grumbled as he stood up properly on his feet. Taking off his hat and glasses, he then crossed his arms and gave Sae a dejected pout.

 Taking off his hat and glasses, he then crossed his arms and gave Sae a dejected pout

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