Chapter 1 m.c.

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A/N: This my first Malum fanfic, I apologise if it's shitty but hopefully you will like it! Each chapter will be one of the boys' points of views so you can see their thoughts on the days. Enjoy :) Also the first few chapters will just kind of show the relationship between Calum and Michael.


It was a Tuesday morning. Or actually fuck it, I'm not sure what day it is all I know is that I have to go to school. School is like hell. You have to go to classes where half the time you fall asleep and the other half you are trying to guess at what the fuck they are teaching you. But the worst is you have to deal with your peers. I stretched when I sat up in my bed, finally shutting off the alarm that kept beeping.

"Michael! Are you up?" I heard my Mom yell up the stairs and yelled back at her to say that I was. I got out of the bed placing my feet on the cold hardwood as I walk into my bathroom. Being an only child has its perks one of them being that I don't have to share with anyone, meaning I keep the bathroom however which way I want it. I quickly hop in the shower as I get ready for the day. So not looking forward to it. School wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to see the jackass of Calum Hood. Honestly I don't understand that guy but he sure as hell pisses me off on a daily basis. Once out of the shower I quickly get changed into some black skinnies and a Harley Davidson shirt, put a snapback on and then I am ready to go. I grab some breakfast as I make my way to the kitchen picking up a granola bar my mom already had waiting for me and my car keys off the counter. I kiss my Mom on the cheek goodbye and then head out to go pick up my best friend Luke.

Me: Hey lukey, on my way

Penguin: okie dokie

I smile at his reply and then I get in the car, throw the seat belt over me and then put the car in reverse to go pick Luke up. It's not a far drive, only about 7 minutes. We used to meet up and walk to school but now that we are seniors and I got a car we decided it would be much cooler if we drove. Blaring All Time Low I pull over in front of Luke's house honk the horn twice and then I see the tall blonde come out of the front door, it's not long before he is sitting beside me.

"Morning mate! How's it going?" Luke asks once I begin to drive again.

"It'll be fine until I have to see that Kiwi in my line of sight." I reply with a little agitation in my voice once I mention Calum. 

"I don't understand why you guys hate each other." Luke tells me and I decide I don't want to get into it this morning so I just shrug him off.

"Ask him." I huff.

The rest of the drive is spent in silence just listening to music before we are pulling into a parking lot at school.

"Let's get this over with." I state getting out of the car grabbing my backpack once both the doors are shut I lock the car up before we start walking in to school.

"We've got that test today in math this afternoon." Luke points out as we walk to our lockers, they were only about 10 lockers apart so we always stopped at Luke's first before going to mine because the quicker we get away from Luke's locker the less I have to deal with Calum. He and Luke are side by side because of the whole 'alphabetical' order shit. It's annoying if you ask me. 

"Ugh are you kidding me? Can't we just skip?" I groan.

"Mikey we can't skip a test day." Luke scolds me.

"Well if it isn't the freak himself!" I hear the dreaded voice as he slaps me upside the head to get to his locker. "Move." He growls at me and I make no effort and ignore Calum putting my attention on Luke and the conversation. I loved riling Calum up. I could see him out the corner of my eye tapping his foot impatiently. I could move, but where's the fun in that? 

"Are you sure we can't skip? I hate math." I continue our conversation.

"I said move." Calum repeats.

"And I didn't hear a please." I reply which causes him to glare at me.

"Clifford for fuck sake just move already!" I can tell he's getting angry which causes me to smirk.

"Ready?" Luke turns to me and I just nod as we finally get ready to leave to mine, I heard Calum huff in relief that he could finally get to his locker. 

"Hey Luke!" And that's when Ashton Irwin appears. Calum's best friend, unlike Calum and I, Luke and Ashton actually get along fairly well. I've got nothing against Ashton other then his taste in friends.

"Hey Ash!" Luke waves as they cross paths.

"I wish Calum was nice like Ashton." I mumble as we walk away.


It was now lunch time and I was sitting at an empty table in the cafeteria with my math notes spread out in front of me waiting for Luke to join me. I was kind of panicking because the test was next period and math wasn't exactly my favourite subject, okay it was awful. I never understand anything. Math was also the only class I have with Calum. So I mean how can I not hate it? Before I know it I'm surrounded by Luke, Ashton and of course Calum because wherever Ashton goes Calum goes.

"What the fuck is he doing here Luke?" I question my friend.

"I'm sorry, but I wanted to talk with Ashton." Luke gives me an apologetic smile.

"So dumbass, what are you doing?" Calum asks me and I roll my eyes.

"It's actually pretty fucking obvious." I snap back waving my hands in front of my math notes. 

"This would be hilarious if the reason they were always fighting with each other is because they are actually in love with one another." Ashton says through a giggle. Yes the kid fucking giggles.

"WHAT?!" Calum and I shout in unison. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 

"There is no fucking way I'd be in love with this loser." I state.

"And if you think I want to kiss this freak you've got to be from some other planet." Calum adds.

"We'll see what happens." Ashton just shrugs.

"In your dreams Ash." Calum glares at his friend.

"I could kind of see that happening though. They say people are mean to the people they are crushing on. Ou! Like when you're in elementary school and you just throw a ball at a girl you like." Luke agrees with Ashton and I feel my mouth drop.

"We are no longer friends." I dead pan at him completely serious.

"Mikey you tell me that at least once a week when I say something you don't like." Luke replies and pats my head like I'm a dog. 

"You two are interesting." Ashton observes and I frown puzzled by his statement.

"Thank you?" I answer as if it's more of a question. The conversation turns and it is more so Ashton and Luke talking to one another, Calum has his headphones in (thank fucking god) and I go back to my notes and pick at my food. Looks like Luke won't be helping me. 

It doesn't take long for the bell to ring signally lunch is over and it's time for the test. I gulp I know for a fact I'm not ready. Fuck Luke only reminded me this morning about it. I'm so screwed, so, so screwed.

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