Chapter 17 m.g.c

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School was weird. I didn't know how to act or what. What I did know was that Calum wasn't out yet so I couldn't exactly go up to him and kiss him. Mind you I still couldn't do that because we are not dating. Well not yet anyway. I stood at my locker with Luke as we watched Ashton and Calum walk through the doors of the school. Calum was wearing a hoodie bunched up around his neck trying to cover his hickeys and I couldn't help but feel smug about that. We give a quick glance at each other before going back to our friends and I give a quiet sigh. 

"So are you guys just gonna go back to ignoring each other now?" Luke asks once he notices the moment Calum and I shared. 

"What? No. At least I don't think so. God Luke I can't exactly do anything. I mean I'm openly gay, but Calum's not. So nothing is happening at the moment so just keep your mouth shut." I tell him. 

"I wasn't going to say anything." Luke puts his hands up in defense. 

"Good." I state and then the bell is ringing for class to start. 

20 minutes into class I get a text.

Hoodie: meet me in the bathroom in 5 min x 

Well I'm not going to say no to that. I wait 2 minutes before I ask the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she just waves her hand at me saying I could go and I am leaving the classroom. 

I walk into the closest bathroom to me and whisper, "Calum?" 

"In here." I hear his voice coming from the last stall furthest from the door. I quickly go in and lock the door behind me. 

"Uhm, hello." I say looking into his brown eyes.

"You're probably wondering why I asked you here." Calum plays with his hands that are in front of him. He's being shy. 

"Probably to do this." I gain some confidence and grab his shirt pulling him into me and attaching our lips. Calum is a bit shocked before he is wrapping his arms around my neck holding me in place and I walk him back to the exposed wall, avoiding the toilet and press his back against it. Hands going to his waist and I can't help thinking that I would skip all of my classes just to do this. Somehow his legs ended up around my waist as I hold him in place. Deepening the kiss before I trail down his jawline. God damnit Calum and his fucking gorgeous jawline and he tilts his head to give me some more room.

"You and this fucking sweater." I mumble against his skin.

"Well someone gave me a lot of hickeys. I had to do something." Calum speaks through a moan. 

"Or you could walk around letting everyone know you're marked." I say as I create another hickey just behind his earlobe as his hips start to move to grind on me. I bring my lips back to his, hands gripping his ass. 

"Mic-chael." He moans again. Fuck. I cannot get hard at school. My hands go up back to his hips as I pull us apart dropping his legs.

"Calum we can't do this here." I tell him and he whines trying to buck his hips at me but I grip them to stop. 

"But I want you." He groans. 

"Who knew someone could be so horny in the morning." I smirk. 

"You left me hanging yesterday, don't do it again today." 

"Babe we're in school." 

"Mikey, I  don't care, getting off to the thought of you was not enough last night. Now do something." 

And that is how I found myself on my knees taking Calum in my mouth quickly as we tried to be as quiet as possible without anyone hearing. 


Lunch time was different. I mean we always used to sit with the four of us but now there is tension and I don't know if it's awkward tension or if I'm still buzzing from first period. I was sitting across from Calum and beside Luke. Calum kept trying to play footsies with me and I couldn't help but find it adorable but it didn't last when Ashton suddenly spoke.

"Calum stop kicking me while you're trying to tangle your feet with Michael." He says softly so he is not overheard and it causes Calum to blush a deep red. I pull out my phone. 

Me: You're cute when you blush 

Calum's phone vibrates on the table and it causes Ashton and Luke to look at it as well and Calum just smiles at them. 

Hoodie: Shut up x 

Me: Nope :) 

Hoodie: Ashton's a cockblock 

Me: It's footsies babe, not sex 

Hoodie: Hmph, I see 

I look up to see Calum pouting so I hook my ankle with him under the table to make him smile again. 

Me: better?

Hoodie: Yes! 

I chuckle at that.

"Are you two seriously texting each other across the table?" Luke questions. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lie. 

"Don't lie Michael,  I can see your screen." 

"Rude! Don't look at other people's conversations." I glare at him. 

"Oh come on you guys are adorable." Luke throws in.

"Lucas drop it." I say firmly.

"Don't call me Lucas!" Luke whines.

"Is your full name actually Lucas?" Calum questions and instead of responding Luke just turns to look at me.

"I hate you." He deadpans and I laugh out loudly because that's normally my line to him. 

"No babe his full name is just Luke...Robert Hemmings." I rush out the last part.

"You call him babe?" Ashton raises an eyebrow at me. 

"Oh would you look at the time. I really must be going." I say looking down at my imaginary watch on my wrist. 

"You're not going anywhere. Lunch isn't over." Luke holds onto my tshirt.

"Can't you just go get a girlfriend? Leave me alone." I tell him. 

"I've been shipping Malum for awhile now, I'm not gonna stop until you guys are together." Luke says and Ashton agrees and I groan. 

For the rest of lunch Calum and I texted back and forth with our ankles still hooked and I may have ignored Luke until he slapped me in the head. So far the day is starting out well, now there's just two more classes and then detention. What could possibly go wrong? 


A/N so Michael has the first half of the day, and Calum will be the latter part!

Thoughts about Malum getting it on in the bathroom?

What do you think is going to happen next chapter? 

Thoughts on Luke? 

Thoughts on Ashton? 

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