Chapter 24 david & joy

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It was Thursday. Thursday meaning tomorrow was my date with Michael and to say I was freaking out was a bit of an understatement. I was petrified. What if something went wrong? What if I didn't choose the right date and he hates it? I mean ever since I asked him out we've been happy, we no longer care if we are in detention. Like earlier today, we sat side by side and passed notes to each other when the teacher wasn't looking. Sure we could've texted but this was more exhilarating, there was an edge to it and the feeling of getting caught caused an adrenaline rush. But that was over now. Now I am pacing around in my room not knowing what to do. Because we are going right after our detention tomorrow there's no time to really prepare anything. I knew we said we weren't going to tell Luke or Ashton but I need my best friend's help. Which is why it's just after dinner and I'm calling my best friend. 

"Hi, you need to get over here, like now." I tell Ashton over the phone.

"Whoa, what's wrong?" He asks.

"Ask questions later, just get your ass over here." And then I hang up, I don't wait for a response. I know he'll come over, ever since he outed me, which I know he feels extremely bad about, he's been constantly trying to keep me happy. 

It takes Ashton 15 minutes to walk into my bedroom.

"Okay tell me what the hell is going on." He states before shutting the door and sitting on my bed. 

"I'm not supposed to tell you." 


"But I have to." 

"Cal, can you stop pacing, you're freaking me out." Ashton says.

"I asked him out on a date." I tell him.

"Well that's amazing! I take it he said yes." Ashton replies.

"He did, but now I don't know what to do. We are going right after detention tomorrow, there's no time for preparedness or anything." 

"Mate, it's a first date, surely it's going to go wrong to some degree." Ashton points out.

"But I don't want it to!" I exclaim.

"Okay, first off calm down, it's nothing to fret over, Cal it's work out. Do you know where you want to take him?" 

"I was thinking pizza and arcade." I tap my chin in thought. 

"Those are both great for a first date, I'm sure Michael will love it. So why are you so nervous? This isn't like you Cal." 

"Because!" I exclaim loudly.

"Because why?" 

"I THINK I LOVE HIM!" I blurt out. 

"Wait what? Calum are you serious?" Ashton gets all serious. "How can you love him? It's been two weeks." 

"So? People fall in love in 5 seconds." I retort. 

"Cal, seriously."

"Ashton! I love him, he cares for me, he treats me well, I love his soft side, I love it when he's dominate, he has the cutest fucking laugh, he has the nicest hands that are so soft and I love just holding his hand, I could hold his hands forever. His eyes, mate don't even get me started on his eyes, they are gorgeous, I love how he is with Luke, he's a great friend even if they bicker. He defends me, he's there for me, I love him." 

"Okay so you love him." 

"I love him, oh my god, what am I going to do? He will probably think it's too soon, oh my god this can't be happening, I can't tell him, I know he likes me but I just, I can't."

"Just don't tell him, give it time, let your relationship grow." Ashton explains. 

"There is so much more pressure." I ramble as I begin to pace again.

"Calum, stop. You're stressing yourself out. You're the only one putting pressure on this date." 

I don't really listen to Ashton, I'm too busy being overwhelmed with thoughts. I can't believe I love him, but I know it's true. I'd do anything for him. 

"Calum? Earth to Calum!" I see a hand waving in front of my face.


"Michael's here." Ashton pulls me out of my thoughts.

"What do you mean Michael is here?" I exclaim.

"I mean he's standing in your door way." Ashton points to the door where indeed Michael is standing leaning against the frame.

"He can't be here right now, I'm kind of freaking out." I whisper to Ashton.

"Should I leave?" Michael asks.

I say yes, while Ashton says no which causes him to glare at me.

"Cal is everything alright?" Michael questions.

"I'm fine." I squeak out. 

"He's just having a bit of a meltdown." Ashton tells him while he places his hand on my shoulder, which of course I smack away.

"I am not having a meltdown!" 

"Mate, you were pacing for 5 minutes and it took me 3 minutes to get your attention." Ashton says.

"What's on your mind princess?" Michael asks getting off of the door frame to stand in front of me placing his hand on my cheek.

"I'm fine." I repeat.

"Calum, you know whenever anyone says they are fine, they're not really fine." Michael tells me. 

"I'm just gonna..." Ashton trails off as he points again to the door.

"No! You're going nowhere." I tell him and he freezes in motion and I turn back to Michael, "I told him."

"You told him what?" 

"I told Ashton about the date." I state. 

"I thought we agreed we weren't going to tell them!" Michael exclaims.

"I needed help." 


"A lot of people ask their friends about where to take their partner on a date. It's perfectly normal." I defend.

"Awwwhhhhhh you're nervous." Michael pinches my cheeks. Yes he pinched my cheeks.

"Stop that." I bat his hand away.

"See! I told you, you're adorable. Cal, honestly don't worry about the date, it'll be great. Wanna know how I know?" 

"How?" I ask him.

"Because I'll be with you." Michael smiles.

"Who's the sap now Clifford?" I smirk.

"Hey you were freaking out, I was just trying to help."

"Can you guys kiss or something?" Ashton speaks up.

"What?" We both look at him.

"I don't know, it just seems like the moment to kiss." 

And he was right. So I cupped Michael's face and pulled him to me and placed my lips firmly on his and smiled. I am in love with this boy standing in front of me, and things may not be smooth all the time but that's what makes it different, nothing is perfect, and I shouldn't be worried about this date so much. It'll be perfect because I will be with the boy I am in love with. 

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