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*Third Person POV*

Calum and Michael did have their last detention together that following Monday after the party. Calum of course had another detention because he skipped school Friday, but he doesn't regret it for one minute because that day was incredible. He wouldn't have had it any other way, he got a hot boyfriend at the end of it, and he had sex with a boy, something he never thought he would do. He fell in love, in fact both boys fell in love. Of course their friends teased them for it, but Michael and Calum didn't care that their friends were actually right, they were happy. 

They had been together for almost a year now and they were getting ready for graduation, they were in the dressing room putting on their cap and gowns helping each other out. They couldn't believe what had happened, everything was coming to an end in a way, one chapter gone from their lives. Michael and Calum were both nervous though, why might you ask? Well neither told the other what they were doing after high school, seems a bit silly seeing as they are in a strong relationship and it is full of trust yet they couldn't bring themselves to tell each other what they had planned. Michael was standing in front of Calum fixing his cap for him and giving him little kisses here and there.

"Are you ready?" Michael asks. 

"Yes babe, I am completely ready." Calum tells him. That was another thing, Calum got asked to give a little speech at graduation, at first he totally freaked out, but eventually he saw it as an opportunity. He was a bit confused too, because his grades did suck but that wasn't what they wanted him to talk about. They wanted him to talk about finding himself throughout high school. His speech was all ready and his nerves were down, well except for when his boyfriend kept reminding him about it. 

"Come on you two, let's graduate!" Luke cheers as he walks over to the couple. "Has anyone seen Ashton?" 

"He was with his girlfriend last time I saw him." Michael replies with a shrug. 

It wasn't long until they got called to line up and head towards the gym where the ceremony was being held. They had to be in alphabetical order so that separated Calum and Michael but that didn't stop them from stealing glances at each other while they sat with the audience. Teachers, and the principal made a few speeches, there was the singing of the national anthem and then they began calling out the class of 2015. Michael was the first of his friends to go up, and everyone could hear Calum shout, "LOVE YOU BABE!", yeah Michael loves him, but he couldn't have been more embarrassed when he walked up to get his diploma and he was blushing deeply. Luke was next, followed closely by Calum, and of course Michael retaliated by saying something equally as bad and the audience chuckled. Ashton was the last of the friends, he grabbed his diploma and then skipped off the stage. Then they had to wait for the rest of their class to get theirs, it was a long procession and Michael was getting bored. 

"Okay, let's have the valedictorian come up here and say a few words." The announcer said, and then the student with the highest grades gave a speech about striving and being the best we could all be and how this was only one step to completing our journey. Michael zoned out for a lot of it, but he perked right up when he heard the next few words.

"And finishing off the ceremony will be Calum Hood." Calum walked up the stage once more to the podium and you could hear his throat being cleared. Michael could only smile at him.

"Hi everyone, thank you for being here with us and sharing this moment with us. I was asked to say a few words because a lot has changed for me over the past year. A lot has happened and I feel as if it has made me a better person. You see before this year I was kind of a bully, but I was only a bully to one person. I felt terrible about it, I didn't even know why I picked on this person, but high school is all about cliques and finding out where you belong. I didn't really know where I belonged, sure I played soccer, but I wasn't very popular, I had one best friend throughout all of high school but that still didn't stop me from acting like a jerk. One minute I was hating this person, and the next thing I knew I was falling in love. Yes, I'm talking about Michael Clifford. See for the first 3 years of high school we hated each other, we were mean and we said some awful stuff. I wasn't the nicest person, but all it took for that to change was getting detention for cheating on a math test. Yeah, my grades weren't the best, and math isn't my favourite subject, but it also taught me a lot of things. Cheating that is. It taught me that you shouldn't do it, but it also brought me closer to my enemy. On our first day of detention we got locked in the school for the night and it gave us a chance to talk and work things out. It was the same day I started realizing I had liked Michael. I couldn't begin to fathom it, I was so confused because I thought I only liked girls, turns out I was very wrong with myself. I found myself falling in love with the boy with colourful hair, who has an amazing personality and looking back at this year I am thankful to Principal Brown for giving me detention for cheating on my math test because if that hadn't have happened I wouldn't have fallen in love, and I don't think Michael and I would be together. The reason for all of this being said is life is full of surprises, some good some bad, but high school is a time to figure yourself out and who you are, and the teachers are there to help. So yeah, this is my story, thank you for listening, oh and Michael? I love you so much, thanks for getting Locked In with me at the beginning of the year." Calum was out of breath, that was the longest speech he has ever given but the audience cheered, he got a standing ovation and he couldn't help but grin. 

Calum took his seat once more as they finished the closing ceremonies. Soon parents were getting pictures with their kids, Michael, Calum, Luke and Ashton all got a couple of group shots before Luke and Ashton left the couple with their parents. Michael and Calum did several different poses for their parents, and Michael congratulated Calum on his speech. 

Once more they were back in the dressing room, this time getting changed out of their cap and gowns. They were supposed to go out for dinner with everyone, and there was a lot of energy until Ashton asked a question that left the boys with a bit of tension.

"So what are you guys doing now that high school is done?" 

"I got into Sydney University." Luke tells him happily before he turns his head to Calum and Michael. 

"Uhm..." Michael trails off.

"Well..."Calum says equally quiet as Michael.

"Wait? Did you guys not tell each other?" Ashton asks, both Michael and Calum shake their heads. 

"Oh my god you two I swear!" Luke groans. 

Both Calum and Michael look at each other before the answer the question, they both reply in sync, "University of Queensland." 

"WAIT WHAT?!" Calum exclaims.

"HOLY SHIT!" Michael says in shock. 

"Oh my god you guys are gonna be together and you didn't even know!" Ashton states. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Michael asks Calum.

"Me? Why didn't YOU tell ME?!" Calum retorts.

"Holy fuck babe, we are going to school together." Michael replies and then before Luke and Ashton know what's happening Michael and Calum are hugging and kissing and it's just amazing, they don't have to be apart from each other they can be together for another four years. 

"All because of a detention." Ashton looks happily at the couple.

"All because of being locked in." Luke adds.

"And we were right this whole time." Ashton says. 

"Shut up you two." Michael snaps and the four boys break out in laughter. 

Yeah high school ended on a great note, Michael and Calum found love in each other, and both boys couldn't be happier. This is the love that is deep, that will last, and there's an extremely strong bond. They survived high school together, and now they get to survive college right beside each other and they couldn't wait because they were with their other half, their love, they could do anything when at each other's sides and they looked forward to their life together. 


Oh my god it's all over! Sob! Do you guys want a sequel? Comment below, and thank you so much for reading this book. It was my first Malum story and I am so glad so many people have read it. If you like this story please check out my other Malum stories: Kisses, and Raising Macy it would mean a lot!

Hope you liked this story

Love you all lots, 

Linds xx 

(This update is because I changed the school Malum are going to be going to, I looked up Melbourne University and Malum would have never gotten in ahaha) 

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