Chapter 18 c.t.h

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I cannot get enough of Michael Clifford. Ever since this weekend and this morning I can't seem to stay away. He's got me wrapped around his finger in every single way. I'm still on a high from this morning's little bathroom adventure. Class is now ending and I make my way to my locker taking what I need for home and then I head towards the detention room. Honestly I don't know why they are making us stay all week when we literally had an overnight detention. I think that should have been enough but nope. So once I reach the room I quickly grab a seat in the back and stay away from the desks and couch that we touched on Friday night. Haha the suckers that had to sit there all day. Anyway I'm basically just waiting for Michael to walk in. It looks like we won't be the only ones in here today there are a couple others. It doesn't take long for Michael to walk in and he gives me a nod before coming to sit in front of me. The teacher follows shortly after.

"Okay everyone detention is starting, please be quiet and occupy yourselves for the time being." She tells us and then looks over to Michael and I, "and if I leave the room I will make sure to keep it open. God forbid you guys get locked in again." 

"I wouldn't really mind." I mumble so that only Michael can hear me and he gives a small chuckle. 

I decide to pull out my phone and as soon as I do I receive a text. 

Cliffoconda: Those people don't know what happened where they are sitting *smirks* 

I look up to see where he is talking about and it's the seats where I basically got a boner by just the thought of Michael and it takes everything in me to not burst out laughing. 

Me: aha good memories x 

Cliffoconda: who knew school could be so great? 

Me: anything is great with you 

Cliffoconda: cheeseeee  ballll

Me: shut up! 

Cliffoconda: You're adorable I can't even see you and I know you're flustered 

Me: -_-

Cliffoconda: don't make me wipe that glare off your face

Me: You wouldn't 

Cliffoconda: try me x 

I decide against it because I'm sure he would actually do something. Instead I decide to play with his hair because well it's in front of me and I'm bored. At first Michael jumped at the touch but then leaned back more to allow me to rake my fingers through his hair. I hear him sigh in content and that makes me smile. It's nice being in our own little world. I didn't even see the teacher leave and the whispers began to start. 

"I thought they hated each other?" 

"They look like they're dating or something." 

"No Calum is straight." 

"How do you know??" 

"Well I mean I thought he was straight."

"I think Michael could do better then Calum." Okay ouch. I wasn't the only one who heard that part.

"What did you just say?" Michael snaps causing my hands to fall on the desk, and turns to the girls and a guy gossiping. 

"Nothing?" The one tried to say. 

"Nice try. I heard you, and honestly it's not your business if Calum and I are in a relationship or not and it's quite fucking rude to talk about us while we are in the room." Michael states firmly. "And also Calum is 100x better than you any day of the week so fuck off." 

"Yeah okay faggot." And that was the last straw for Michael before he was getting up and walking towards the other guy. Whelp looks like I'm gonna have to hold him back.

"Okay listen here asshole. I don't know who the fuck you are but I've been at this school for my whole high school career. And no one and I mean no one has ever had a problem with me being gay. I've been open about it from the start and no one cares so what the fuck is your problem?" 

"I don't want to see gay PDA." The guy simply states.

"Okay first off that's the shittiest reason ever, two we weren't even doing anything. He was literally playing with my hair and third you better watch your back, you disgusting little fucker." Michael tells him.

"Mike calm down." I tell him putting a hand on his shoulder. 

"But I don't know what his problem is! We weren't doing anything!" He exclaims turning to me. 

"We both know that, and who cares what the dick thinks? He's probably jealous. Just please don't do anything stupid." I say.

"Whoa hold up. I'm not jealous of you two." The guy points between Michael and I.

"Excuse me were you invited to this BBQ? No? Then why are you all up in my grill? Back the fuck off you're not involved in this conversation." I glare at him and then Michael is laughing. 

"Cal what the fuck?!" Michael chuckles wholeheartedly.  

"What is going on here?" The teacher asks coming back into the room. "This is detention not a hang out." 

"Basically these idiots here were making fun of Calum and I. I simply defended us." Michael tells her with an innocent smile.

"Okay you and Calum need to separate for the rest of detention." 

"Why?" Michael asks. 

"Because you're disrupting others." She tells him.

"Whoa, with all due respect if anyone was being disruptive it was those three." Michael points to the group. 

"Michael Clifford I suggest you stop talking and go to the other side of class while Calum stays on the other." 

Michael glares at her before he walks back to the seat he was sitting in and grabs his backpack walking out of the classroom altogether. 

"MICHAEL GET BACK HERE!" The teacher shouts at him. 

My thoughts: what the fuck. But then I am simply following Michael out the door with my bag thrown over my shoulder. 

"Michael wait!" I call as I see him walking down the hall and he stops to turn around hold out a hand to me and I jog to intertwine our hands. 

"Let's get out of here." He says as he pushes the door open. 

"Don't let what that guy said get you riled up." I tell him as we walk down the street. 

"Well it pisses me off. We aren't even anything right now, and Cal what that girl said about you hurt me. If anything you deserve better." Michael replies sadly. 

"Michael don't do this. Just let it go. They aren't worth it." 

"Why aren't you getting upset over this?" He asks.

"Maybe because it was kind of hot to watch you defend me." I shrug and he smiles giving me a kiss on the cheek. 

"Where to now?" Michael questions. 

"Uhm...we could go to my house?" I suggest.

"Lead the way babe." Is all he says and then we are headed in the direction of my house. I don't know why we are suddenly attached at the hip but I like it, no scratch that. I love it. 

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