Chapter 7 clifford

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This day is going by so slowly. It's like it's torturing me because I just want it be done and over with so then I could get my first detention out of the way. Calum was giving me weird looks all through math and I honestly couldn't figure out what he was trying to get at. This time we were sitting beside each other with just the aisle between us and Luke was in front of me. Calum kept glancing at me though. If I didn't know any better I would say he was checking me out. And I can't exactly blame him, I'm looking really good today, still it is a bit weird. I only had one class left and thankfully it was just Luke and I. Not even Ashton. Haven't seen the lad all day because he and Calum couldn't sit with us at lunch and  I don't share any classes with Ashton. 

"You know  Calum basically stared at you through the whole math class." Luke tells me as we walk to the last class of the day. 

"Mate you were in front of me how could you tell?" I question.

"I saw him out the corner of my eye and he literally was giving you like the heart eyes emoji." Luke chuckles. 

"I noticed he would glance at me, didn't know it was the excessive." I confide.

"Hmmm I wonder what happened at lunch now." Luke thinks out loud. 

"I'm sure nothing, I mean I am attractive Luke. " I state confidently.

"And cocky too." He adds. But we stopped talking once we got into the classroom. We got settled in our seats being one of the last people to enter the room. As soon as we sit the intercom is coming on letting us know the announcements. 

"Good afternoon students, since it's the last class just a reminder detention will be held in room 115 today. Enjoy your weekends everyone!"  the voice of the principal's closing off and then the attention is turned back to our teacher. Great another reminder that I have detention, it's not like I already knew. I hope there is more than just Calum and I in the room because otherwise it's gonna awkward as fuck and I don't even know why. He's just being really weird with the way he was acting in math class. I really want to punch him, maybe that'll snap him out of whatever he's got going on in that annoying little head of his. 

Surprisingly though this class went by pretty fast and before I know it Luke and I are at his locker saying goodbye and he made me promise that we would hang out after detention tonight. 


Calum and I are the only fucking ones in this damn room. Surely someone else would've gotten in trouble today, but nope luck isn't on my side. I took a seat on the other side of the room to be as far away from Calum as possible. Lucky for me the teacher watching over detention didn't take my phone away. I have it hidden in a random textbook that I don't bother to actually read. Instead I'm texting Luke. 

Me: I'm bored af, it's literally me and dumbass in this room. Kill me now Lucas, get me out of here.

Penguin: Dude chill out. You're in there for an hour, I think you can survive

Me: pleaseeee Lukey *insert puppy dog eyes*

Penguin: That's not gonna work on me through text 

Me: I hate you

Penguin: No you don't 

Me: You're right, but I am so bored. 

Penguin: Talk to Calum then.

I scoff out loud at that and then look up to seeing Calum from across the room looking at me. 

Me: I don't want to talk to Calum 

Penguin: Well you're going to be in detention with him for the next week, might as well get to know one another. 

Me: Oh Lucas you're so funny

Penguin: Stop calling me Lucas! 

Penguin: and wipe the smirk off your face. 

UGGGGHHHHH. I didn't bother responding but when I looked up again I noticed Calum had moved two desks over, coming closer to me. What's he trying to play at? 

"Boys I have to go to the office for a second, please don't do anything or leave. I'll be right back." The teacher tells us as he goes to walk out of the room shutting the door behind him and as soon as he does I find myself locking eyes with Calum who is now right in front of me. How the fuck did he move so quickly? 

"Can I help you?" I ask him.

"I'm bored." Calum sighs.

"So? What do you want me to do about it? It's your fault we are in here." I reply. 

"Look I'm sorry about that, I shouldn't have cheated, and I shouldn't have used your answers. It was wrong." Calum tells me and my mouth drops. Did he just fucking apologise? Holy shit. I didn't know he had it in him. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Because you apologised. I don't know what to say. I've heard you say sorry before, but never once has it been directed at me." I tell him. 

"Well maybe I'm getting tired of fighting with you." Calum says quietly. This is not happening, is it? 

"But that's what we do. We fight with one another." I reply sounding a bit confused. 

"What if I don't want to fight with you anymore?" Calum states and he is leaning closer to me and I feel myself leaning back and honestly I'm a bit frightened because I don't know what he's trying to do.

"Uhm Calum, what are you doing?" I ask as he keeps coming forward over the desk. "Calum!" 

"Afraid Clifford?" He smirks. 

"What are you trying to accomplish?" I question.

"I want to kiss you." Calum says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. 

"WHAT?!" I jump out of the seat and sit up on top of the desk behind me and I can see Calum kind of frown at me. 

"Too soon eh?" Calum goes back to his old self, I watched it all unfold it's like he was in his own thoughts. 

"Try never going to happen." I tell him. 

"You'll see." 

"What are you? Ashton now?" I ask him and he looks puzzled at that. 

"What?" Calum questions back.

"That's what Ashton told me he said 'you'll see, you'll both see.'" I quote. 

"Best friends think alike." Calum states and then he turns around facing the front of the room. What the fuck just happened? I am more confused than ever. What is Calum doing? Does he like me? No he couldn't this has gotta be some joke, right? This has got to be a joke. Yup that's what it is. Just one big joke. At least that's what I'm hoping...

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