Chapter 5 gordon

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I was so glad school was done for the day. I went into my house smelling something good whatever my Mom was cooking. 

"Hi honey, how was school?" I hear my Mom call out. 

"It was fine." I say quietly. 

"Mrs.Miller called, she wanted to know if you could babysit Friday after school for her." My Mom continues to talk. Mrs. Miller is this woman in her later 30's has two kids, lives across the street from us and from time to time I will go over and watch the kids for her. I walk into the kitchen to grab a banana from the counter.

"Hey we will be eating soon." My mom scolds, "so can you babysit?"

"No." I reply sheepishly. 

"And why not?" 

"I have detention." I tell her quietly.

"What? Michael Clifford what did you do?!" My mom questions. 

"I didn't do anything." I emphasize before I continue, "Calum fucking cheated on our math test using my answers. But I didn't know it, and then when I did find out they told me I should've told someone about it. They are letting it slide though, Calum promised not to cheat again and so they just gave us detention for the next week starting Friday. So no I can't babysit." 

"Well then call her back and tell her. I don't want you in anymore trouble. Also stop with the swear words." My mom states, I roll my eyes at that, I'm not gonna stop swearing. 

"Promise." I mumble and with that I leave her to finish cooking dinner bringing my backpack into my room. I do as she says and call Mrs. Miller back and then I'm left with just surfing the worldwide web on my laptop. While I'm scrolling a facebook message pops up.

Ashton Irwin: Hi mate, I'm sorry Calum got you in detention for the next week. He shouldn't have cheated.

Me: Why are you apologising? Calum is the one who should be. 

Ashton Irwin: Well yeah, but we both know he's not going to. 

Me: Well uh thanks I guess?

Ashton Irwin: No problem, I just hope Calum finally admits a couple of things.

Me: What are you talking about? 

Ashton Irwin: You two like each other and I will prove it eventually. 

Is he for real right now?

Me: Mate I may be in to dudes but that doesn't mean I like Calum 

Ashton Irwin: Keep telling yourself that mate. 

Me: I will because it's the truth. Go hang out with Calum, and you and Luke stop telling us we need to get together. 

Ashton Irwin: You'll see, you'll both see. 

And with that he logged off. What a weird person that boy is. Before I can even think about the conversation my Mom is calling me down for dinner. 


"So he messages me apologising for Calum and then he goes on to talking about how Calum and I like each other. And I said I don't like him and he just goes 'you'll see, you'll both see' like what is that?!" I rant to Luke who is sitting on my bed looking at a textbook. Nerd. 

"Because you are both oblivious to the fact that you guys like each other. And if you both would quit arguing I think you guys could have a great relationship." Luke says without looking up. "Who knows maybe something will happen while you're in detention." And I can see him smirking. 

"Lukeeeee." I groan.

"What?" He replies innocently. 

"1. It's detention so nothing is going to happen and 2. nothing is going to happen." I state. 

"Michael, why do you hate him?" Luke asks me. 

"Because he just gets under my skin and aggravates me. He is never nice, he is cocky, and I don't like his attitude. Plus he got me detention." I list off. 

"I think those are just random reasons you hate him to make it seem like you do when really you don't." Luke says. 

"Luke I don't like him. Just end it at that." I tell him sternly and he does for which I'm grateful. I knew he wanted to say more but I just wasn't in the mood for the whole 'you and Calum are totally in love with each other and would be so great together' speech. 

The rest of the night was spent with Luke helping me with my homework and just talking about everything besides Calum. Lukey boy has got a crush! Eek! Wait why am I squealing like a little girl? Anyway so we focused on that and I may have said a few things that made him curl under my blankets from embarrassment, but  I am his best friend, it's what I am here for. My Mom ended up kicking him out around 10:30 because it's a "school night". Which means nothing to us because we always end up texting until late at night. Luke is a great friend, but the fact that he tries to bring up Calum in every conversation is getting annoying. What am I supposed to do to convince him and Ashton that I don't have feelings for Calum, other then to tell them I don't like him. Nothing seems to work. Ashton thinks we will see, well maybe he will see that I do not like Calum Hood. 


A/N I'm so sorry it's so short, it's just a filler chapter getting you all ready for what's to come ;) 

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