Chapter 2 c.h.

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Fucking Michael Clifford, he pisses me off so much but since Ashton is friends with Luke that means I have to eat lunch with Michael. Look at this dork he's actually doing math at lunch! Oh wait shit, we have that test today. God fucking damnit why didn't I remember? Oh shut up Calum, no you shut up! Okay I really have got to stop talking to myself. I can't let anyone know I am actually panicking over a math test. Math is not my best subject, actually I'm not a fan of any of my classes besides gym. I excel at gym and I look good doing it. The four of us are sat at the lunch table in the cafeteria, all I really do though is distract Michael from his math, if I'm going down I'm taking him with me.

"This would be hilarious if the reason they were always fighting with each other is because they are actually in love with one another." I hear my best friend say. What the fuck Irwin?

"WHAT!?" Both Michael and I say together.

"There is no fucking way I'd be in love with this loser." Michael states. Bullshit you'd be lucky to fall in love with me I think to myself.

"And if you think I want to kiss this freak you've got to be from some other planet." I add.

"We'll see what happens." Ashton looks at me.

"In your dreams Ash." I reply. I kind of zone out after that just thinking of my idiot best friend I can't believe he thinks I could be in love with Michael Clifford, the guy who dyes his hair like every week, he'll be bald before he's twenty. Before I know it the bell is ringing and we are all getting up off the table, me dragging Ashton away.

"What the hell mate? Me in love with Clifford? Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I kind of raise my voice.

"Language Hood." A nearby teacher walks by and I call out an apology to her.

"Yes I am serious, Luke and I are getting sick and tired of you two always bickering with one another. The tension between you two is ridiculous."

"Ash I'm straight." I say confidently.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that mate, anyway I gotta get to history good luck on the math test." Ashton tells me before he turns down another hall and I make my way towards my locker. I notice that Luke and Michael are not at Luke's locker, thank god, I don't mind Luke at all but the fact that he is constantly with Michael drives me insane. Like can't they be apart for 10 seconds?! Wait, Calum, why do you care? UGH! I quickly grab my math books and hurry to class before the bell rings.

Once I get in there the last spot available is, you guessed it, right behind Michael. On my way to the desk I bump my backpack into him which causes him to turned around and glare at me.

"What's your problem?" He growls.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I hit you?" I smirk at him.

"Just watch where you're walking next time asshole." Michael spits at me before turning to face the front and before I can say something the teacher is walking in the room and calling order to the class.

"Okay silence everyone, take one and pass them back, because this is a test there will be no talking allowed. You may use a calculator if needed, and no you cannot use the one on your phones. Once you have the test you may begin, if you have any questions you can come up to the front. Good luck." Mr.Roberts states to the class as he walks in front of the rows of desk. Michael throws the booklet over his shoulder so it falls off the desk. I flick him in the head with my pencil before bending down to pick it up.

"Ow!" Michael exclaims loudly holding the back of his head where I flicked him. Once again  I am smirking. 

"Quiet Mr.Clifford." The teacher snaps and I can't help but feel a little smug. Now that I have the booklet on my desk I begin to examine the test. 30 seconds later and I realize I have no fucking clue what I'm staring at. I look around the room and see my classmates diligently writing down answers. Fuck even Michael is writing down answers. Hmm, I can kind of see his test from here since he's turned in his desk I don't have to stretch my head to see the answers. It's like he wants me to cheat off of him. Just one answer? No Calum that's cheating, but on the other hand if I fail the soccer coach will be on my case. What to do, what to do. Ah fuck it I need those answers. I sneakily begin to copy down Michael's answers and hope they are right. 


"So I did a horrible thing." I tell Ashton as we sit in my basement playing some xbox games.

"What now?" He groans.

"I uh may have copied down uh Michael's answers on that uh math test today." I say quietly.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Ashton raises his voice and it makes me curl in on myself pausing the game. Ashton makes me feel like an idiot sometimes, he's so much smarter and I feel like he's another father sometimes the way he scolds me. "Why would you do that!?"

"I was going to fail!" I exclaim.

"Yeah but if you get caught, it's going to be a lot worse than just failing a test, how could you be so stupid Cal!?"

"You know I wish you were more like a best friend sometimes, I feel like a child when I'm with you. I just wanted to confide to my friend." I say shyly.

"I am your best friend, but really mate you need to know how stupid that was of you. I get it that you didn't want to fail but you could have oh I don't know studied?!"

"I know, I know, but I tried to be discrete, maybe the teacher won't notice." I reply hopefully.

"Yeah you better pray they don't otherwise it'll be both you and Michael in detention." Ashton points out.

"Everything will be fine. Nothing is going to happen." I state trying to be positive about this, and I hope everything will be fine because I don't want to think of the consequences.

"Yeah okay, but when you get caught don't come crawling to me." Ashton tells me and with that he hits resume on our game ending the conversation about the test.

I hope we don't get caught, that would mean detention with Michael. Alone in a room with just Michael and I, that would not be fun. 

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