Chapter 28 collarbone tattoos

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It was morning and I woke up tangled in limbs. I was a little fuzzy, my head hurt and I could tell I was only in my boxers with Michael and then memories of last night came flooding back to me. We had sex. It was amazing, incredible sex, and then I just remember I fell asleep curled up to Michael, who was still sleeping. I was pulled to his chest as he rested his head on mine. I couldn't move but I really had to go to the bathroom. I didn't want to wake him up. I tried to look over his shoulder at the clock that was beside his bed and it said that it was 10:42am. I'm surprised my Mom hasn't tried calling me asking where I am. I wouldn't even know where to look for my phone though. 

"Michael why are there clothes all over the hall?" Michael's mom announces without knocking and coming into the room. "Oh...well that explains it." She says once she notices me and all I can do is pull the covers over my head and groan.

"What's happening?" Michael mumbles.

"Michael pick up your clothes from the hall, or if they are Calum's." She tells him and he blushes. 

"Sorry, I'll clean it up." He replies sheepishly, she nods her head and they she is leaving once more. "Why do our moms always walk in on us?" Michael questions.

"No idea." I say quietly and then it is quiet for a bit as we both just take in what just happened. 

"Good morning princess." Michael says as he rolls himself over so he is facing me and he kisses my forehead.

"Morning." I give him a small smile and then I remember I have to go to the bathroom and I sit upright wincing. My lower back is so sore. 

"Sorry." Michael smirks. 

"Why do I feel as if you're not sorry at all?" I roll my eyes.

"Because you liked it last night, but if you are really sore, I'll put some lotion on you after we shower." 

"That would be nice." 

"And then we need to talk." He states and then he is getting up off the bed and walking over to his bathroom. "Are you coming?" 

"Wait are we showering together?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yeah." He simply replies and then I am slowly getting out of bed.

"Next time I'm topping." I mumble and Michael laughs.

"Not gonna happen princess." And then we are both in the bathroom, Michael starting the shower and both of us just stepping out our boxers before hopping in.

The shower was actually quite fun. We kept it PG, we shared a few kisses and we washed each other down but that was about it. We couldn't exactly do anything more with his parents downstairs, it's bad enough they probably already know what happened last night.

It wasn't long until we were both dressed and ready for the day, I had Michael get me some advil for my headache and then I found myself on my stomach on his bed with him sitting on my legs and massaging my lower back.

"So you said something last night." Michael starts. "Do you remember?" 

"I was kind of blissed out." I tell him slightly embarrassed but he can't see my face. 

"You told me you loved me." He says and I visibly tense underneath him.


"I just wanted to know if that was true or not, because I mean you kind of said it right after sex and I don't know if you truly meant it or just because I gave you good sex." I can tell Michael sounds a bit sad. Here is my chance. 

"Michael, I really meant it. I love you, I'm in love with you, and not just because the sex was great." I say confidently. I feel him stop his movements on my back. 

"But I haven't even done anything for you to fall in love with me." Michael says and I decide to turn around to face him and stop the back massage so now I he is basically straddling me as he looks down at my face.

"Michael you're so protective and caring, you were there for me when people weren't. And you are beautiful and hot and handsome, I was a jerk to you for years for no reason, but deep down I knew you were an amazing person and the fact that I can call you mine now is incredible. You're the sweetest person ever but you're not afraid to stand up for yourself or others. I love your teasing nature but you've got a major sweet side, you're so cuddly, I don't know I love you, do I need to go on?" 

"No." Michael barely whispers before he is leaning down to kiss me. It's soft, it's not hungrily or sexual, it's full of love and compassion and all I can do is just smile into the kiss. 

We pull away shortly after and Michael says, "how can we go from hating each other to falling in love in under two weeks?"

"Love is never planned, we didn't plan to fall in love it just kind of happened." I shrugged. 

"Well I think it's pretty great." 

"Does this mean you feel the same way?" I ask bashfully, I don't know if I want to hear the answer.

Instead of responding Michael just nods his head and smiles down at me. 

"Who would have known that being locked in the school overnight from a detention could be the best thing to ever happen to me. "I love you too Calum Hood and I cannot wait to see where our relationship takes us." 

"I can't wait to find out either." And then we are kissing once more, and if this is the way my life goes on, then I'd be completely alright with that as long as Michael remains at my side. I just know I could love this boy for the rest of time. 


Oh my god it's over! AHHHHHHHH butttt there is an epilogue coming up but it's over!

What did you guys think of the story? And if you like this story and want more Malum I have two more Malum stories. One is called Kisses and the other is Raising Macy. It would mean a lot to me if you checked them out, and thank you so much for sticking with me throughout this story. Epilogue coming soon. 

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