Chapter 20 siblings

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I cannot believe he did that. My friend outed me in front of the whole school. I mean I am sure I know I am gay but that doesn't mean I wanted to come out so soon. All of this is so rushed and I don't know what to do. I stumbled into the bathroom that was closest to the cafeteria and go into the last stall just wanting to be by myself and not let anyone see me crying. I was just so upset. I put the lid down on the toilet and sat down with my face in my hands. I hate this, I want to love Michael and be with him, but why can't I do it on my own terms without my friend butting in at all the wrong times? Ashton isn't the one in the relationship or soon to be or whatever it was so why does he care? I don't think I sat there very long until I heard a door open.

"Calum? Are you in here?" I hear Michael call out. "Come on Cal, it's just me." 

"I'm here." I give in and soon I see feet in front of the stall.

"Are you going to unlock the door?" Michael asks.

"No." I tell him.

"Why not?" 

"Because I'm upset and I don't want you to see me like this." I reply, I don't know why but I feel insecure, I don't want Michael to see me crying.

"Cal, if you're upset I want to help, I'm not going to judge you." 

"Please Mikey? Please, I just want to be alone." I squeak out.

"I'm not leaving you." Michael stands his ground, "I'll crawl under the door if I have to." 

"Fine." I huff out before reaching out to unlock the door and as soon as I do Michael is pushing his way in. 

"Babe..." He trails off as he goes to crouch in front of me and I choke back a sob. "Hey, hey, it's okay." 

"Why? Why did he do it?" I question with tears spilling over my cheeks. Michael decides to sit on the ground and holds out his arms signally he wants me to sit in his lap so I do. I curl up and bury my head in the crook of his neck as I feel him rub my back. 

"I don't think Ashton realized what he was doing, he was just excited, yeah? I don't think he meant any harm princess." 

"It still hurt like hell, I don't like having all eyes on me, and now for my sexuality?" I mumble. 

"Calum they won't care, I mean sure they might be a bit shocked but this will all blow over." 

"You promise?" I sound like a little kid.

"I promise." Michael confirms and kisses my head. 

"Does this mean I have to completely come out?" I ask.

"Not if you don't want, and you shouldn't have to. Just do whatever you want and fuck everyone else because they don't matter, whatever you want to do, you don't have to put a label on it." 

"Thank you." I kiss his cheek.

"You're welcome, now can we wipe the tears away and get off of the ground? Because no offense we are in a bathroom." Michael grimaces and I nod getting up off his lap and pulling him up with me. 

"Do you think you'll be okay for the rest of the day?" Michael asks. 

"Yeah, I think so." I say just as the bell rings signalling lunch is over.

"Come on, let's go to math." And then we are walking out of the stall, I splashed some water on my face before heading out into the hall and as soon as we did all eyes were on us. 

"Ignore them." Michael tells me over his shoulder as he begins to walk. I on the other hand? Slightly freaking out, I really don't like the attention. The whispers and the stares, I hate it. I hate Ashton for doing this. I run to catch up with Michael and I kind of hide behind him, gripping the back of his shirt and just staying close but that only made it worse as far as whispers go but I felt safe with Michael. We keep quiet as we continue with walking and stopping at our lockers before heading into class. 

I just want this day to be over.


It was after school and detention and I was home, we were having a family dinner tonight since we were all there for once. I figured since we were all there that maybe now would be a good time to tell my parents how I feel. Food was passed around and then a silence fell but I needed to tell them so I cleared my throat.

"Yes Calum?" My Dad looks over to me.

"Uhm...I have to tell you guys something, and I don't know how you will take it. Just please don't hate me!" I rush out looking between my parents.

"We could never hate you dear, now what's up?" My Mom says.

"Uhm. so uhm, I'm pretty sure, uh--"

"Calum don't be afraid, we're not going to gang up on you." My sister chuckles. 

"I'm gay!" I blurt out. 

"Would you look at that Dave, you owe me a dinner." My mom looks over to my dad.

"Wait, what?" I'm confused.

"We already knew how you felt Cal, we just wanted to see when you were going to tell us. I mean after I walked in on you and Michael it was kind of obvious." My mom says and I blush furiously. 

"So you made it a bet?" 

"Would you rather us hate you for being gay? Calum we accept you 100% we were just having fun with it." Dad tells me and I feel as if I'm blinking back tears. 

"Cal, why are you getting so upset?" 

"Because! Ashton basically outed me to the whole school today when I wasn't ready, I wanted to tell my parents first and made sure they were okay with it, and I'm glad you are okay with it, but I don't like the fact that you turned it into a bet." I pout. 

"We're sorry." Both my parents say together.

"So does this mean I have someone to gush with about boys?" My sister glances at me. 

"I only want one boy, so you're on your own." And she gasps.

"What!? Details little bro!" 

"Oh look at the time, I need to go do my homework, may I please be excused?" I ask my mom and she just nods and then I am quickly getting up from the table bringing my plate to the kitchen sink and then hopping up the stairs to go to my room. 

I had left my phone on my desk and I notice that it has blown up with texts. Mostly from Ashton.

AshyBear: Calum I am so sorry!

AshyBear: Please talk to me, I didn't mean to do that 

AshyBear: I'm a terrible best friend 

AshyBear: Come on please? I am so sorry

Yeah those went on for awhile and then there was a text from Michael.

Cliffoconda: How's my princess doing? 

I don't know why he calls me that but I strangely like it. 

Me: Not your princess 

Cliffoconda: One day soon 

Just that text gave me butterflies and I spent the rest of the night texting Michael and ignoring Ashton's. I know it was mean but he hurt me, and it's only for one night. I just need to think. And that's what I do. 

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