Chapter 3 michael

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"You are never gonna believe what happened today during the test." Luke starts off while we are in his living room filling up on junk food and flicking through the channels.

"Mate I was in the same room and I didn't see a thing." I tell him with a sigh.

"Calum cheated." Luke states.

"Wow. What an idiot, and you're telling me this why?" I question him.

"Because he cheated with your answers."

"WHAT?!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, I saw him steal glances over your shoulder."

"Oh are you fucking kidding me?! Call Ashton!" I command.

"What?! Why would I call Ashton?" Luke asks. 

"Luke I know you have his number, and he is most likely with Calum."


"Luke just fucking call him!" I raise my voice. Thank god my parents aren't home yet, they wouldn't like all the yelling...or the swearing. 

"Okay, okay, I'm calling." Luke says dialing the number and putting his phone to his ear.

"Speaker phone." I tell him and he obliges so now the phone is sitting in the palm of his hand.

"Hey Luke, what's up?" I hear Ashton on the other line.

"Are you by any chance with Calum?" Luke asks.

"Yeah...why?" Ashton trails off.

"Put him on the phone!" I snap at him.

"Whoa, hey Michael. What's wrong?"

"I think you know what's wrong, put Calum on the phone." I say rather harshly but I can't help it. 

"What is going on?" I hear Calum now.

"Michael wants to talk to you."

"Wait what? I don't want to talk to him."

"CALUM FUCKING HOOD!" I roar down the phone.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" Calum asks.

"You! Something you want to tell me?!" I question.

"Nope. nothing really rings a bell." I can just picture him standing there smirking.

"Wipe the smirk off your face." I spit at him.

"How do you know I'm smirking?"

"Because I know you."

"No you don't"

"Yes I do."



"SHUT UP!" Surprisingly both Luke and Ashton say.

"You do realize if you get caught you fuck both of us over?" And once again my voice has risen.

"IF we get caught. The only ones who knows apparently is us four and none of us are going to say anything. Fuck Michael it's not like you even care about school anyway."

"Well Luke was the one who told me and he caught you in class, so what makes you think the teacher didn't notice?" I fire back at him.

"Do we have to be here listening to you have a lover's quarre--" I cut Luke off by punching him in the arm. "OUCH! Michael what the fuck?"

"It's not a lover's quarrel, he fucking cheated!"

"The way you're getting upset over this if someone were to be listening right now you would think that you and Calum are in a relationship and he legitimately cheated on you." Ashton throws in.

"Like I'd ever date Calum, he's such an ass." I say with a chuckle. "He would be lucky to date me though, I make a pretty amazing boyfriend."

"No YOU would be the lucky one." I hear Calum say.

"Why would I want to date you?"

"Because I'm sexy as fuck, admit it Clifford, you find me attractive."

"If by repulsive, sure." I say with a shrug.

"Seriously you guys really just need to kiss." Ashton states. "That'll fix everything."

"Yuck. I'm done with this, fuckhead I'll be seeing you tomorrow, we're not finished with this little convo. You better pray that the teacher doesn't find out." I tell Calum.

"Whatever." Calum says lazily and then you hear a bit of mumbling back and forth between Calum and Ashton before the phone call ends.

"Well that was a lovely chat." Luke says sarcastically.

"Would you and Ashton stop throwing in comments about how Calum and I are in love? Because seriously he's not my type. Just no."

"I will never understand why you guys hate each other. Oh and also you are in love with Calum you're just too stubborn to see it." Luke moves away before I can hit him once more so all I can really do is glare at him. I am not in love with Calum. It's never gonna happen, sure I swing in that direction but not in the direction of Hood.


It was the following morning and for once I was actually waiting at Luke's locker for Calum. Not because I'm in love with him, no because I want to talk to him about this fucking math test. I feel like I should've known something like this would happen. I'm sure he cheats in all his classes just so he can stay on his precious soccer team.

"Waiting for me? What's next a bouquet of flowers too?" Calum smirks as he gets to his locker.

"In your dreams Hood. I want to talk about the test." I say loudly.

"Shush! What the fuck, lower your voice." Calum snaps.

"Someone a bit paranoid?" I raise my pierced eyebrow at him.

"Fuck you Clifford." Calum glares.

"Yeah I bet you would like to. Sorry bud, go find someone else." I tell him. Next thing I know he has me by the collar of my shirt pushed up against the locker.

"I. Do. Not. Like. You." Calum states firmly.

"Your current actions say otherwise." I point out which causes him to let go but still maintain a close stance.

"Ou! Did you guys finally kiss?!" Luke comes up excitedly with Ashton in tow.

"Would you quit with that?! I'm not going to kiss him." I tell my best friend.

"Things will be so much easier when you guys just admit your feelings." Luke replies.

"Not gonna happen mate." I pat him on the back. "Sorry to disappoint your dreams."

"So what were you two doing if you weren't kissing?" Ashton says speaking up for the first time.

"Arguing." Calum says both Luke and Ashton groan.

"Look we are not going to tell anyone so if you get in trouble it's by the teacher, and let's face it, Calum picked the wrong person to look up answers. Michael isn't the smartest in math." Luke states.

"Gee thanks Lukey, way to put a friend in the gutter." I say as if his words hurt me and sigh in sadness, putting my hand over my heart.

"Lukey? Awh isn't that cute." Calum mocks and Luke blushes from embarrassment. 

"Let's go Cal." Ashton says and the next thing is Ashton dragging Calum down the hall, and Calum keeps glancing over his shoulder back at Luke and I. Why does he keep looking back?

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